Pandora The Pandora Game

I never knew there was a standard colour for it, I'll use magenta from now on.
Well having a green background is better for presentation I guess as you can better judge the colour when there is no "magic pink" in the image hurting your eyes ;)

But for the final game having a magenta background ensures more accurate masking.

so I'm allowed to code that runner-something? Nice :) . I will have a look into the framework and so on after xmas. I'm happy to do it, but haven't had that much time lately and I have an own project running, so I hope your schedule isn't too strict.

What really would help me: In the moment the idea is a little uncertain to me. I saw that there are some creatives here, so it would be great if you could specify the concept a little more. Just running/jumping like in canabalt is great fun, but hitting another button for pandorapackagerelease would get frustrating, I think. Shall there just be horizontal ways or are they supposed to go skywards, too? Such things would be intressting and if there's a real concept before I start to code, that would spare a lot of time.
Is someone still working on this? :unsure:
You could be! ;)

Well, I am still working on it, but I took my time off over Christmas and New Year and I think other people did the same. So I hope and expect it to pick up more pace over the next few days and weeks.

Some progress notes though: I finished a C++ class for pixel-map-based collision detection intended to be used in the board factory (Metal Slug style) chapter.

It works by reading in a graphic of the level generating some data from that and then gives me collision detection functions to work with.

So the next step is to get the sprite collision and game logic in there and it's set from the code's side.

Yeah... that is what I have been working on.

Anyway, we still need some programmers for several chapters (see second post), please contact me if you are interested (level of skill does not really matter, but you should have a basic C++ knowledge to begin with).

foxblock out
Wow, I already feared this would be dead here. :D

I finished a C++ class for pixel-map-based collision detection intended to be used in the board factory (Metal Slug style) chapter.

Mmh, I already wrote such a class, too. If you're intressted in classes reading Tiled(<-mapeditor) files and displaying them, contact me. I don't think that they are well written, but they do their job. I'm using them in some other game I'm working on.

(...but I suppose you will use the Wandor-Framework?)

Since there seemed a lack of intrest in this project I didn't write anything related to my part. And if noone comes up for a concept for the canabalt-like it may take monthes till I start with it, if ever.
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Wow, I already feared this would be dead here. :D

Mmh, I already wrote such a class, too. If you're intressted in classes reading Tiled(<-mapeditor) files and displaying them, contact me. I don't think that they are well written, but they do their job. I'm using them in some other game I'm working on.

(...but I suppose you will use the Wandor-Framework?)

Since there seemed a lack of intrest in this project I didn't write anything related to my part. And if noone comes up for a concept for the canabalt-like it may take monthes till I start with it, if ever.

Go up a few posts, I had some.
Mmh, I already wrote such a class, too. If you're intressted in classes reading Tiled(<-mapeditor) files and displaying them, contact me. I don't think that they are well written, but they do their job. I'm using them in some other game I'm working on.

(...but I suppose you will use the Wandor-Framework?)
For the map I am going to use a collision map (image), not tiles (isn't Tiled just for tiles?), so the map basically can be viewed and edited in every image editing program (minus objects).

I will be using part of the Wandor framework, mostly the dynamic unit system (the map system is not suited as it uses tiles, of course).

Still I would love to have a look at your classes, just to see whether I can improve my code or to see an alternate way of doing things.

Before creating Wandor I looked into Tiled and thought about using it, but then not went with it as I wanted to have full control of my maps and wanted to be able to support special things Tiled did not (also did not want to have to mess with somebody else's code).

Also check the second post (first page) for a collection of ideas about your level.

foxblock out
Go up a few posts, I had some.

Sorry, didn't notice. B) Thanks. I'll see when I find time to make a concept and when I start coding. I'm writing a J'n'R myself in the moment so the easiest way to make this would be taking that code and just modifying it a bit. I'll see. Would love it more to write everything from scratch.

Tiled: Well, it supports multiple layers. So I'm using (or will use, in the moment it's still visible) a hidden layer with the (pixel-)collision maps (which I'm constructing out of a build-set of tiles). Is it that what you mean? I find the xml-saving of it easy (after I wrote a xml parser :P ) and it even supports objects. I like it.
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Tiled: Well, it supports multiple layers. So I'm using (or will use, in the moment it's still visible) a hidden layer with the (pixel-)collision maps (which I'm constructing out of a build-set of tiles). Is it that what you mean? I find the xml-saving of it easy (after I wrote a xml parser :P ) and it even supports objects. I like it.
Well, no, not exactly, I won't be using tiles at all, but one single image, think of it like in Worms or Braid ;)

Can't find a good example image, but you will see what I mean when I commit the code.

Also if you happen to have a Google Account (GMail address for example), I can add you to the project and you can checkout and commit code directly using SVN.