The Dragonfly Futurefon

Does the first chick come with the pledge?  If so I'm interested and throw in couple of hundreds. She's the true futurefun for me not the device :)
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Well, he DID a very similar project before as well...

And surrendered.
Sounds like they had an interesting time with the Xentex :

From Here :

During the course of this litigation, Mathieu Reyna and Tom Spellman were charged with trying to fraudulently sell Xentex stock, in order to finance their attempted corporate takeover and stipulated to a severe sanctioning by the SEC for these transgressions of the law.

They were not so lucky with their illegal financing and money laundering efforts they undertook during the 2002-2004 timeframe, we later learned they were conducting in order to finance their barrage of legal assaults. The IRS found them both guilty in 2011 of money laundering in which they claimed the source of their funds were from the illegal sale of drugs. We at Xentex have come to realize that this is how they were able to afford to keep paying for over 4 different litgious claims in several states, in order to falesely deprive Xentex and its righful shareholders of their assets.
There always seem to be at least one person in a project that causes issues ;)
Good to know.  Who is this person for the Pyra? :P

But only one project has the evil dragon that comes to the resuce ;)
I think you forget how these stories play out.  :P

I wonder if you can apply as "Scapegoat" these days when trying to get a job :D
Does being used as a scapegoat in other aspects of life make one a desirable candidate to fill a position?
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Well, he DID a very similar project before as well...

And surrendered.
Well If that page is accurate, they managed to actually get production started before legal battles killed the company. I have seen this happen before. Maybe he is actually capable of organizing such an effort after all. Still, they must have some other source of funding besides the crowdfunding if it is going to work. IMO.