The Communication Cube

I had a weird idea for a story. It's about a guy that dies and goes to the afterlife, discovers we all have immortal souls, et cetera, but then later hears a rumor that the afterlife is false, and that the only way to get to the true afterlife is to get your immortal soul deleted.

See, it's a story about faith. If you can have faith in one afterlife, why not another? Why stop at just one?
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I tried looking up "seventh Heaven" for laughs, BTW. Apparently Judaism and Islam teach it, but not Christianity. Christianity makes a reference to "third Heaven", but this is supposed to refer to God's Heaven, as opposed to the sky or the space beyond it.
Today I remembered a near-death experience I read a while ago that made very specific claims about the future. Looking it up though, it's one of the trippiest and least credible sounding NDEs. The guy literally posts a bunch of pictures from space telescopes to prove a certain point, that human artwork is all over the universe, but the pictures are pretty ambiguous. I do like the specific claims about the future though, since those will be tested eventually. He says people will be microchipped, at first for identification within the medical system, but then later for currency and trading too. Then he says even later than that, they'll forgo the chips and just use "DNA resonance". He says that technology will harm humans though, and cause God to intervene. Would be cool if I saw God intervening in my lifetime.
One other funny thing he says, stuff about Jesus's appearance. He says Jesus's feet are brown, but doesn't mention the rest of his skin color. He says Jesus's eyes are red though. Angels told him not to be afraid, because Jesus's eyes are just burning with passion for humanity.

It's one of the things that makes me doubt Christianity, the inconsistent descriptions of Jesus. This is the only one I can find that said red eyes, obviously, but most go with green, with some blue and brown responses mixed in.
Yes, the bible doesn't describe him other than being the son of God as I recall. It also says that you shouldn't worship false idols i.e. pictures of him, but that didn't stop the Romans trying to paint him when it became the official religion for the Roman empire.
The bible is an assortment of fan-fiction as are those other accounts. Do you measure the quality of a religion by the consistency of the wholesome of its fan-fiction?
Well, Religion fills the gap of not yet existing knowledge: Where comes the thunder and lightning from? "Chris Hemsworth puts its Hammer on the Anvil" ^^
You need quite a lot of phantasie to build up such a huge Storyline like on the Bible, so at least it was a good training for the writers..

Like on other Conspiracy Theories: Shure lots of them where quite silly, but you have at least to honor the phantasy of them who brought they up when they sound interesting enough..

I would suggest our Picture of Jesus might be a selfie of Leonardo Da Vinci .. , the peaple in good old Judäa ditnt looked that..
My mind wanders all over the place. I've been thinking about personality types, mostly for game development. I've been thinking that people probably can be sorted into a few basic types, but no-one's gotten the formula quite right yet.

Myers-Briggs is crap because it already has too many types to keep track of, sixteen. The only reason people can even name all the types is because they only have to remember eight letters, not sixteen names.

Enneagrams are popular in Asia, and feature nine types. That seems close to what I would consider the maximum amount of types there should be. I'm not really sure what system enneagrams use to classify people though.

I was also thinking about the type system Robert swears by, Big Five. Five factors, three states, for 243 personality types. It's highly specific, and therefore also almost completely useless. The goal of personality typing should be to simplify human interaction, by giving us information that can be applied broadly. Meh, even if we treat each factor as a separate thing, there are still fifteen types. Too damn many for me. If you're creating type interactions, for instance, 15 types results in 225 interactions. There's a reason Animal Crossing only has eight, and even started with six.
Actually, you know, the more I think about it, I think I can actually whittle it down to three. D***s, p*****s, and a******s, as Carlin put it, or alpha, beta, and omega, or the good, the bad, and the ugly. It makes sense, considering we live in a three dimensional space with three primary colors.

The main way I classify it is this: Winners, losers, and people who refuse to even play. I think I'm in category three. I mean, I lose too, of course, but the difference is the winners gang up on my kind for not recognizing their superiority.

Edit: Cleaned it up a bit.
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I'm still disappointed that Wally deleted my suicide poll. I've been thinking, if I ever do it, I've gotta do it for me, not for other people. Considering the subjective nature of reality, it makes zero sense for anyone to sacrifice themselves for a greater good.

The only problem I have is people who act like they have a moral high ground, as if such a thing exists. If you're d***ing me for your own benefit, just admit it.
About that subjective nature of reality thing, I've been thinking, I actually probably should do a better job of protecting myself, because I'm the only known subject in the universe. If I go down, I probably inadvertently take out all this s*** with me.

Don't laugh, none of you can prove you were here before 1987. All you have are the objects and memories I planted.
I keep having thoughts, and it's bad. I was just thinking, trans people don't exist. Not because they aren't trans, it's because they aren't me. Solipsism is weird like that.

I don't really care if you guys aren't into solipsism, because according to solipsism, I should be the only one into solipsism anyway. Actually, if you do see any other solipsists, direct me to them, so I can end them, and then laugh as I continue existing.

See? Even I don't 100% believe in solipsism. At least, not other people's solipsism. My solipsism is the only correct solipsism.
I would suggest our Picture of Jesus might be a selfie of Leonardo Da Vinci .. , the peaple in good old Judäa ditnt looked that..
As I say, it was the Romans who started making pictures of Jesus, which happened more of less from 400AD onwards. Da Vinci wasn't around for a good few centuries after that. Of course, our pictures of Jesus have changed over the years (or in the span of months sometimes, and it may have been influenced by pictures of Da Vinci (although in my research, his most famous self portraits are him as an old man, not the 30-something jesus we normally see.
I don't know if I told you guys my whole life story before, but some of it is bad. I think I may have mentioned here once before, the people in your dreams believe they are real. You can ask them if you don't believe me. It's a universal thing.

See, I have some theories. This is what I call a "separation reality". I'm probably the only real person here. Not the only real person in existence though. Just the only person in the separation reality. There is also a "unified reality", where you can tell everyone is real because you are unified with them. Dreams can access this. Hence why the dream people believe they are real, because they really are. It's weird when you think the people in your dreams are more real than the people on Earth.

See, I have a problem, where Earth people film me talking in my sleep. I also have a problem, where people in my dreams say things, and I repeat them out loud. The thing is, I kinda turned the people in the unified reality against me, and now they're working to turn the people in the separation reality against me. It's quite the problem.

Why are they doing this, you ask? Well, I used to not know that people in dreams were real. I'd hate to admit this, but I used to be a skilled lucid dreamer, and used said skill to rape women in my dreams before. I don't think it's a coincidence that feminism got turned up to 11 after that. More importantly, one of them got me to shout the n word at my black neighbor, and he's been filming me ever since. Crap never stops escalating either.

I know I said earlier that I should protect this reality, but I'm kinda torn. I mean, I did create it for some purpose, but I have no idea what. It sucks that I had to hide the purpose from everyone, because it's a huge strain psychologically.