The Communication Cube

The book has a better fitting explanation, where Dave actually dies first then gets taken through a black hole to the backwards universe, where he undies and do on, but it doesn't have an entertaining bar room fight as far as I recall so this has that benefit.
I do not totally agree. If electronics become sentient, we need to slowly start treating them respectfully.
FFS: I've been trying to grab the darned 1px borders of XFCE windows for years. Been modifying themes to widen the borders.
Just now I learned that you can use Alt + RMB to resize windows.
FFS: I've been trying to grab the darned 1px borders of XFCE windows for years. Been modifying themes to widen the borders.
Just now I learned that you can use Alt + RMB to resize windows.
Wow, I had no idea about that either, but it even seems to work on openbox! If you alt-right click and drag from the middle of the window it even moves the whole window, although the active area seems a little small for that, seems to be about a single square inch on this browser window which almost fills the widescreen monitor on this laptop.
that's the only way to mouse resize windows in i3, (albeit with alt -> whatever special key you use -- i use window key).


fewer pixel borders is better.
I usually resize windows in i3 by creating empty terminals around them until they're about the size I need. I think there's a keyboard shortcut to allow you to move the border between windows, but I can't remember it off the top of my head.
Few things I've been eating this week:

チーズダッカルビ(Korean dish, similar-ish to Bibimbap)


狐そば(kitsune-soba / fox with soba noodles)

抹茶アイスクリームとつぶつぶイチゴかき氷(green tea ice cream with crushed ice strawberries)
I've tried to watch The Shining for the first time, just now. Threw in the towel after half of it, though. If getting my ears tortured with high pitched noises for a couple of hours is supposed to make a good movie, no thank you. :/
Saw this film also some Months ago on Netflix or Amazon Prime, the Noises ditnt dissapointet me, but the Diverence to the Book..
It wasnt bad at all, it was pretty entertaining, but if you wrote the Book first, like me, you will see lots of diverence, (Jack Torrance diet in the books from "Fire" not from "Ice", ), Stanley Cupprick only meantened the Oven once, but it was quite important for the Showdown in the Book..

But on the Other Hand: Its now too late to complayn, the Movie is old now, ..

Its Sequel "Dr. Sleep" also took place on the Stanley Cubricks Version, : in the Book, the Overlook Hotel is now a Camping Place, but in the Film, its still there..
  • Haha
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@matzesu I've never read the book. Actually, I thought all the time, The Shining was the one about blond psychic children with questionable humanity. But in the job interview right in the beginning, I recognized the story, which I only knew through a Simpson's halloween special. :)
What's the one with the blond small psychics called?