The Communication Cube

This might be a dumb question, please bear with me: My power meter wall wart also displays the power factor. Connecting a device over a USB-C power supply to it shows a power factor of only 0.5, which I've read is far below what would be considered acceptable.
The power consumption of power supply with connected device is reported at 6 Watts. Does that mean the USB-C power supply pulls 6 Watts from the wall in order to have a usable 3 Watts?
Why is it that many people take issue with or get angry from hearing GNU/Linux (or as I like to call it, "GNU+Linux") being reffered to as GNU/Linux?
Most people don't care about the difference betwen GNU and Linux. They just need a word to talk about that OS that isn't Windows and Linux is more commonly used, it's simple and sounds good. I think that many people would consider saying "GNU Linux" being just like saying "Microsoft Windows" and nobody likes someone who keeps saying stuff like "Microsoft Windows" when they speak.

Another reason is that the people who keep repeating "actually that's GNU/Linux" are just as bothering as the people who keep saying "actually Frankenstein is the doctor" or the grammar nazis.
It's what happens when something gets popular in the masses I guess. All search engines became Google, all navigation systems became TomTom and all AI systems are now ChatGPT. GNU/Linux became Linux and Apple iOS is just iPhone.
When lacking knowledge the thing they remember will be the common thing to use. Just tell people you use GNU, and afterwards you'll see they'll use the term Linux.
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In case you wondered why ISIS flags are in Germany: I don't know :confused:
We should ask Dr. Angela "Well now they're here" Merkel about that.

The late, great Helmut Schmidt warned us about this: mass immigration of a culturally wildly different and thus incompatible people. One that wants to establish the kalifate everywhere. Which they will manage given enough time, just looking at the birth rates and the deranged open-arms policy of our current political leadership.

I wonder how loud the cries will be when Sharia law is established.
When women are taken out of advanced education,
forced into marriage,
forced to female genital mutilation,
devalued by only given half the weight in courts of law,
only entitled to half the inheritance compared to men,
made to hide their appearance,
be beaten, disfigured with acid or outright killed when they rebel.
When gay and trans people get thrown off buildings, or hanged from cranes.
When the Jewish will be treated, as the Quran wills it, like "monkeys and pigs".
This is bullshit. There are absolutely no evidence of this ever happening. There are no studies that support this. There are plenty that debunk it.
The only people spreading this are politicians or demagogues who have no other arguments that "it's common sense" or "trust me". Every time, it's either plain racism or fear-mongering to get people to support them.

And most of the time, you can trace the money funding them to billionaires who appreciate very much having scape goats to point to when people start wondering where their work/money went.
It's a religion, not a race. IDGAF if an Islamist is black or white.

Germans have about 1.2 babies, islamic e.g. Turkish parents somwhere around twice that. Simple math, no study needed. The Quran teaches to stay in the background while numbers are low, but to force Sharia once numbers are sufficient. Islam is inherently political, and it's a danger for the reasons stated above, all rules from the Quran and/or the Hadith. Countries not under Islamic rule are called Dār al-Harb, or house of war.

A few years ago Erdogan encouraged them to have even more children. And he publically said this:
„Die Demokratie ist nur der Zug, auf den wir aufsteigen, bis wir am Ziel sind. Die Moscheen sind unsere Kasernen, die Minarette unsere Bajonette, die Kuppeln unsere Helme und die Gläubigen unsere Soldaten.“ — Tayyip Erdoğan

"Democracy is just the train we ride until we reach our destination. The mosques are our barracks, the minarets our bayonets, the domes our helmets and the believers our soldiers."
He's openly speaking about what the goals are. It's like Biden saying "we will destroy Nord Stream". What more do you need?

You can call me what you want, I don't care. What I care about is not having to wake up one day and find myself in a country ruled by religiots, regardless of their flavor of faith.

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If you just mean the state should be laic, then I'm with you.
But if you mean Quran is somehow worse than Bible or any other text, then I say bullshit. It doesn't matter. I love The Little Prince, but I'm sure one could build a nasty sect out of it, the problem is not the novel, ti's the crowd.
And I'm not so sure from my closer circle that those from a religion have more children than those form another. It has something to do with tradition, but much more with economics.
I don't know what Erdogan said, but I don't think anyone believes him, specially those who fled from his dictatorship. And I don't believe Netahanyahu either.
I don't like too much fertility, but in order to stop this, we should first stop growth chasing capitalism. As long as we stay capitalistic, then we need young people to push the pyramidal scheme further.
I believe capitalism is the majoritary religion in Europe, and I don't like it. So if we stand against all religions, fine, let's stand against capitalism too.
Once was Europe Christian. It ran crusades against muslims, or if you don't care for the other side of the Mare Nostrum, then crusades against catars, pogroms against jews, witch hunts against anyone who dared think (specialy women who happened to be wiser than men).
Then it fought absurd wars (redundant, sorry) on Catholicism against Protestantism, then it became capitalistic. Money is now god here.
Recently the Spanish ombudsman reported some 400000 cases of children abuse among Spanish Catholic church members (half priests, half not, but in religious institutions context). That's 1-2% of population being victims.
I don't think it's the only place, or even a record toll.
So, just for divide et impera, I welcome muslims, and I welcome even more any atheists fleeing from religious bigotry.
And someone should remind us that a genocide does never justify another one.
Or new neighbors should not justify fascism.
Once was Europe Christian. It ran crusades against muslims, or if you don't care for the other side of the Mare Nostrum, then crusades against catars, pogroms against jews, witch hunts against anyone who dared think (specialy women who happened to be wiser than men).
Wasn't that a response to the friendly visit Christians had:
Wasn't that a response to the friendly visit Christians had:
I don't think so, since it was centuries later. And in different places. In fact Near East could be Orthodox, Jew or Muslim, but never Catholic before the crusades.
But if it was ever a response, then being more violent, less advanced and less tolerant, it's quite a bad response, if you ask me.
I vaguely remember that there was a historical connection between the crusades and the muslim conquest of Spain.
Something with the muslim conquest of Spain took place in the early 8th century when islamic forces conquered the Iberian Peninsula. Which marked the beginning of islamic rule in Spain and Portugal. The expansion into Spain and other parts of Europe led to conflicts, which eventually contributed to the crusades. While the crusades themselves were initiated in the 11th century (several centuries after the muslim conquest of Spain) the idea of christian military campaigns to reclaim territory from muslim rule was influenced by earlier events. Recapturing Europe spanned several centuries and let to the capture of Granada in 1492, which marked the end of muslim rule in Spain.
This is at least the vague memory I have from someone telling me why Spain is so devoted to christianity compared to other European countries and some link to the crusades.
But as I mentioned, I didn't really look into that, so the person that told me (I believe he was spanish) could have been misinformed or biased.
I don't know. I had the idea the Iberian peninsula changed hands more opportunistically. When one side of the border was economically or politically weak the other side would fight to expand land or to compel lords to change sides. It wasn't like a crusade where some central power summons forces across Europe and sets up to invade remote lands. I thought the crusades were more excused on religion and the Iberian conquests on convenience/opportunity. The economic reason behind crusades might be more control of the Mediterranean once bigger ships started to increase the weight of commerce vs agriculture. But I don't know.
About Spain being very catholic, I don't know when did that start, but I don't think so early. On the one hand there were European religious wars which for imperialistic reasons lead to a strong inquisition. Then later the kingdom took money and properties from the church and in exchange gave the church privileges on education, leading to deep social indoctrination. But in the 8th century most people weren't so particular about religion. Later around 11th or so possibly more (like Llull). In early 13th century prosecution against heresy was already strong and cruel (Simon de Montfort) and an excuse to take fertile lands or eliminate political adversaries.It was then when several Christian feudal leaders in northen Iberia started alliances to take lands from Al-Andalus. But If I remember correctly they would ally with some Muslim leaders against other Musilim leaders too, so it wasn't so much of a crusade as an invasion eased by internal Al-Andalus tensions. In the 15th century some kings were called catholic, but I don't really know whether that was a cause or consequence of conquering Al-Andalus. Did they take Granada because they were fervent catholics or they played catholic because they wanted to take Granada's riches?. Likewise with persecution/extradition of jews and taking their property (some of which acted like bankers because Catholics and Muslims had taking interest as sin). Since Spain ended up later very Catholic, the historians revisited history to paint as if it always were, and faith was the main motivation since ever, not greed, but I don't know how reliable that account would be.
I'm not good in history, you'd better learn from someone else.
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Germans have about 1.2 babies, islamic e.g. Turkish parents somwhere around twice that. Simple math, no study needed
First of all, the number of Turkish parents in Germany is far lower than the number of German parents so even if there's a slightly higher average of number of children per women, it's negligible in the big picture.

Second, these children will be raised in a mixed culture. Most of them will go to school with German children and many of them will grow up with different views from their parents (as all children do).

We're not talking about an invasive species of rabbits who outbreed their competitors, we're talking about humans beings. Most of them just want to live their lives and don't have any political or religious agenda.

Sure, if you fill everyone's head with the idea that there are two incompatible cultures, you can raise enough people in both "sides" to start a civil war. It seems to be what some people (far-right agitators and islamists leaders) are trying to do, and repeating their propaganda is being complicit.
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I assume it's a small part of a community, you could debate supporting Hamas apparently but I don't think there is an open discussion about the question if ISIS was political correct to support.

Most of them just want to live their lives and don't have any political or religious agenda.
That might be an assumption though. If a culture doesn't respect other cultures, but yours does, how do those integrate?
I think humans are just humans, but your culture can impose these conflicting world views which can lead to problems.
Turks were but an example, they are not the only ones. We've been welcoming Afghans and Syrians etc. Think ahead 80 years. I should add: there is no war they are fleeing from.. They come here for economical reasons. About 35 % of the latter two groups are complete analphabets, another 35 % cannot read or write Roman letters.

We're already looking at steadily increasing ghettoization. There is far too little successful integration, one the one hand because the state has no capacity to manage it, on the other hand because there often is no will to be integrated. We don't have the living space. We don't have the teachers. We don't have the translators or social workers.

In some big city schools German speaking kids make up less than 30 % of classes. They often get treated like crap by the immigrant children.

We've had quite a few violent videos emerge this year on social media.

You tell me most people don't want to anything to do with religious agendas? So every last one of the people we saw marching in the streets under the ISIS flag was an extremist? Go ahead and publically ask muslims if they want to abolish the murdery parts of Quran. You will find very little. Their spiritual leaders are another problem, preaching away this hundreds of years old bullshit written down by a war crazed pedophile.

France has already burned. I don't want the shit you guys got going on to happen here, too. Or Sweden, Jesus Christ

We've already had our fair share of little fiery escapades and there's enough knife-related crime in our cities.
Two effing group rapes every day:
They even have a name for this "game":'i Things that were basically unheard of before.
But I guess that's just what you have to embrace, or rather be embraced by, when basking in the glorious warm light of borderless love and humanity.
I'm fed up talking about this.


Just built Godot 4.2 on OPi 5. Was completely pain-free and works like a charm on the little guy.
Tried buying an RPi 5 today, immediately after I received an availability update from a local seller. 3 minutes after the notification they were all gone again :(
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In some big city schools German speaking kids make up less than 30 % of classes. They often get treated like crap by the immigrant children.

Tried buying an RPi 5 today, immediately after I received an availability update from a local seller. 3 minutes after the notification they were all gone again :(
I added one yesterday to my basket for ordering and didn't, I'll just wait until I have a really good reason so others can order one first.
I planned to run my NextCloud instance on a RPi5 instead of the 4.