First.. thanks
I'm very glad you like it
There is no competition -- different environments are different; you may prefer one, the other, an entirely different environment, or even multiple and switch between depending on your needs; you can run minimenu in a window or fullscreen, even within xfce, if you want to
It really depends on the person and their needs -- if you just want a app launching or game launching environment, mmenu may be great; if you want ot run open office multitasking with a browser.. notsomuch.
That all said ..
mmenu saves memory; by default, when an app runs, mmenu exits and comes up when the app exits.
mmenu can run without X11 even; if you want to really run bare with lots of memory, boot straight to mmenu .. works fine, and most apps (ie: sdl!) will run fine without X11.
xfce doesn't really let you organize too much; the pnd recommend a category, and xfce is configured to show them a certain way; you can hack the config mind you. minimenu defaults to the same categorization (since hf5), but gives you easy tools to recategorize (or even create new nonstandard categories). minimenus overrides will then apply in xfce, since one libpnd system runs them all
mmenu even includes a basic directory browser (optional, default is to hide it) where you can run pnds or executables (shell scripts, raw binatry executables, etc); doesn't have copy/delete/etc in there yet, but not far off.
Theres lots of good stuff in mmenu to tweak .. some easy in the menu or using a button (to hide/show the preview artwork, which isn't available in xfce at all for example), or some harder to reach stuff in the menus or config files or skin-files .. setitng the size/spacing of icons, how many to cram onto a screen, changing fonts and colours and so on.
But its all .. if you want a simple and fast to use grid layout, mmenu is grea;t if you want a fuller features desktop, xfce (or e17 or etc/etc) are great.
Try one, if you like it, use it; most people will try one and stick with it, and thats fine
Really.. hitting pandora (to being up the menu), and using d-pad to cruise around the menu is not all that much different to cruising around the grid, but all in all, mmenu is faster and more pleasant for 'just running stuff' I think.