Test My Tanks Game (yeah, No Name For It Yet)

deadlychicken22 posted on Sep 25 2005 at 10:10 PM said:
Looks great, i will try it out when I get the chance (i'm supposed to be working right now :P )
atm it's only a version without trails , gradient background, layered earth etc :P
when i got the buying menu working and decided on which weapon leaves which trail i'll release a new version :)
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Actually, I liked the previous screenshots better (where there's a smooth change between light green and dark green, vs the version a few posts above).

Now, some comments:

- Would it be possible to add some way of telling which way the wind is blowing and how strongly?
- Sometimes, after an enemy tank kills another tank, the cursor doesn't move on to the next tank and the game just freezes (I can still push start to exit)
- Rollers sometimes will roll straight under a tank that's sitting on a slope and continue rolling... seems a bit strange
- Once or twice, when I died the computers continued shooting at me and not at themselves.
- Would it be possible to add "P1", "P2" etc near the scores at the end of the game so that the player knows which score belongs to whom?
- Is it possible to make the tanks think about shooting more quickly than they already do?
- Also, is it possible to make one or two even harder modes, where it's really difficult to win? Right now I find that I'm winning most of the time on hard. :)

- What exactly do all of those landscape option MEAN? I fiddled around with them, but I still have no idea what I'm changing...
- I think it would be really cool if you could have caves and overhangs - you'd have to blast your way out of them. Islands in the sky might also be good (if a tank ends up on one it may have a temporary advantage, but there'll be hell to pay if the other tanks cause it to fall :))
- different terrain colours, perhaps, to set off the monotony even more?
- if you make clouds to make things more interesting (they would be very usefull to visually show the windspeed too), they should be without outlines so as not to look too cartoonish, like you said. I'm thinking more along the lines of using the "spray" tool in MSPaint and making most of the clouds transparent (so the clouds would just be a collection of white pixels, moving in accordance with the wind)

So yes, that's about it. This is a fun game - I played it for at least an hour today. :rolleyes:
Esn posted on Sep 26 2005 at 02:24 AM said:
Actually, I liked the previous screenshots better (where there's a smooth change between light green and dark green, vs the version a few posts above).

Now, some comments:

- Would it be possible to add some way of telling which way the wind is blowing and how strongly?
- Sometimes, after an enemy tank kills another tank, the cursor doesn't move on to the next tank and the game just freezes (I can still push start to exit)
- Rollers sometimes will roll straight under a tank that's sitting on a slope and continue rolling... seems a bit strange
- Once or twice, when I died the computers continued shooting at me and not at themselves.
- Would it be possible to add "P1", "P2" etc near the scores at the end of the game so that the player knows which score belongs to whom?
- Is it possible to make the tanks think about shooting more quickly than they already do?
- Also, is it possible to make one or two even harder modes, where it's really difficult to win?  Right now I find that I'm winning most of the time on hard. :)

- What exactly do all of those landscape option MEAN?  I fiddled around with them, but I still have no idea what I'm changing...
- I think it would be really cool if you could have caves and overhangs - you'd have to blast your way out of them.  Islands in the sky might also be good (if a tank ends up on one it may have a temporary advantage, but there'll be hell to pay if the other tanks cause it to fall :))
- different terrain colours, perhaps, to set off the monotony even more?
- if you make clouds to make things more interesting (they would be very usefull to visually show the windspeed too), they should be without outlines so as not to look too cartoonish, like you said.  I'm thinking more along the lines of using the "spray" tool in MSPaint and making most of the clouds transparent (so the clouds would just be a collection of white pixels, moving in accordance with the wind)

So yes, that's about it.  This is a fun game - I played it for at least an hour today.  :rolleyes:
-wind: notice the little wind text on top of the screen? strenght and direction...
-not switching turns: i noticed it too(strange thing, doesn't happen on the pc...), i fixed it, in the next version the switching of turns will just take a bit longer when the bug happens, not freeze the game :)
-rollers: i noticed that bug too, and it has already been fixed :)
-i'll check that, i sometimes too notice the keep on targetting a dead tank...(which shouldn't be possible :s
-scores at the end: was just a temporary thing ^^, i'm currently still implementing everything concerning score, money, buying weapons etc. it will ofcourse be formatted better next version :)
-dunno, the thinking is something pretty hard to do, i might double the speed by letting them work less accurate for their first aim :), i'll experiment a bit (be happy you didn't have the first try where they needed a few minutes ;) )
-i'll have a look at the actual ai strenght when it's finished, since it chooses random weapons it has a big weakness. i'll come back to that when the ai chooses it's weapons smart :), then i can see if any corrections are needed

the options: it's a bézier interpolated line, nbpoints is the number of points you interpolate over, nbintervals is the amount of itnervals (so you split up the terrain in a few seperate curves). the more points the more variation you'll have, the more intervals , the more accuratly the terrain approaches the points it interpolates
-caves etc would require a completely different way of programming the land and weapon impacts etc..., so that's a no... the games this is based on also just have a surface like this game, i'm not gonna go worms style ^^
-different terrain and skycolors will happen :), about the current terraincolor that has a less smooth transition, that's because i switched to the standard fenix palette, the transition might be a bit less, but i can do far better things with it :), and perhaps i'll make it a smooth transition, like the background :)
-i was thinking similar things, i 'll experiment with clouds a bit once i got most game mechanics working :), cant promise anything :)
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... so where's the new download? You implemented all that new stuff since the last version, I want to play it! :-D

P.S.: Ever since I came to this board I've been wondering: Who is that guy in your avatar?
Dryer Lint posted on Sep 26 2005 at 11:38 AM said:
... so where's the new download? You implemented all that new stuff since the last version, I want to play it! :-D

P.S.: Ever since I came to this board I've been wondering: Who is that guy in your avatar?
when all the new things work as they should, and it contains enough features for a next release :P
at the start of the project i released a new version every day, nobody cared after 3 days, now a new release has a lot of new things :)

atm i'm finishing the buy menu :), it appears to work now :), i've also given the game a name, fxe icon, splashscreen,..., the gradients in the terrain and sky (i'm probably now gonna make a sky like gradient for the terrain too :) ), trails, games of several rounds :), ...

something to look forward too isn't it ;), and if you're onthe #gp32dev channel on efnet i just might send the latest version to whomever wants it :P

And the guy in my ava is Max Damage from carmageddon, best game evah
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Ok, I think that the bug when it doesn't move on to the next turn often happens when a tank kills the tank that's supposed to go after it.

Also, could you make it so that two tanks cannot end up in the same spot? I've had that happen twice now and once you and the other tank kill everyone else, the computer (understandably) freezes with indecision. :)

Are you thinking about adding a high-score table, by the way (one that's not erased when the game's restarted)?
Racemaniac posted on Sep 26 2005 at 01:31 PM said:
i've also given the game a name, fxe icon, splashscreen,...

Thank goodness! Somehow I forgot to mention this in all my replies to this topic, but the Streetfighter-Pong thing was starting to annoy me. ;-D And the default splash screen is gone as well, very good.
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Esn posted on Sep 26 2005 at 05:33 PM said:
Ok, I think that the bug when it doesn't move on to the next turn often happens when a tank kills the tank that's supposed to go after it. 

Also, could you make it so that two tanks cannot end up in the same spot?  I've had that happen twice now and once you and the other tank kill everyone else, the computer (understandably) freezes with indecision. :)

Are you thinking about adding a high-score table, by the way (one that's not erased when the game's restarted)?
the samespot issue, i've slightly changed the code that positions the tanks, it should happen far less often now :), tanks should be spread a lot better :)

it's pretty complicated, when dropping for each tank a flag is set, sometimes it can happens that a tank that gets killed has it's flag set for dropping, but since it got killed it can't remove it, so the game keeps waiting for the tank to say it's done dropping :s.
i could probably have fixed it using process priorities so the timing error can't happen, but now i've limited the time it can take to fall , much easier :P

and a highscoretable... i wouldn't mind making one, but how? what is a highscore? you can play games of as many rounds as you like... or should i average the score over all the rounds? but then you can simply hunt for highscores in 1 round games...
i wouldn't mind making a highscore table, but i don't really see what i should take as score of a player after a game...
and you can also edit the amount of weapons you get at the start of a game... pretty complicated stuff...
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Racemaniac posted on Sep 26 2005 at 05:12 PM said:
and you can also edit the amount of weapons you get at the start of a game... pretty complicated stuff...
Yeah, that would make it more complicated. :unsure: I was thinking of just a "one game" high score... perhaps for whichever options you choose for weapons and number of enemies and such, the "previous high score" for that option could be visible on a corner of the screen while you play, so that you can try and beat it? Also, maybe certain weapons should give more points than others in certain situations (ie. scoring a direct hit with a rocket on someone on a slope would be worth more than using a roller, dependind on how far away the shot is and how much more difficult it is to use a rocket than a roller)?

One more thing: I think that that the health (and maybe current score) of each tank should be visible in tiny print beneath (or beside, or on) that tank. Also, when you hit a tank there should be a temporary showing of how much damage your hit(s) caused to that tank (ex. a red number saying "-32" for 2 seconds or so). As it is right now, you have no idea how much your shots hurt a tank or how much health a tank has left (until the next time the turn moves to that tank again and you can see its information).
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Esn posted on Sep 26 2005 at 07:36 PM said:
Racemaniac posted on Sep 26 2005 at 05:12 PM said:
and you can also edit the amount of weapons you get at the start of a game... pretty complicated stuff...
Yeah, that would make it more complicated. :unsure: I was thinking of just a "one game" high score... perhaps for whichever options you choose for weapons and number of enemies and such, the "previous high score" for that option could be visible on a corner of the screen while you play, so that you can try and beat it? Also, maybe certain weapons should give more points than others in certain situations (ie. scoring a direct hit with a rocket on someone on a slope would be worth more than using a roller, dependind on how far away the shot is and how much more difficult it is to use a rocket than a roller)?

One more thing: I think that that the health (and maybe current score) of each tank should be visible in tiny print beneath (or beside, or on) that tank. Also, when you hit a tank there should be a temporary showing of how much damage your hit(s) caused to that tank (ex. a red number saying "-32" for 2 seconds or so). As it is right now, you have no idea how much your shots hurt a tank or how much health a tank has left (until the next time the turn moves to that tank again and you can see its information).
so frankly i kind of doubt i'll implement highscores :P
but we'll see, perhaps a "competition mode" for setting highscores, with a few settings, that would make it doable.

about the health and damage, might be useful indeed :)
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Well, I suppose you could implement a tournament type of mode some way down the line with pre-set quantities of weapons/money/etc and oponents gradually getting harder. Then high-scores might be more applicable. But that'd be after the basic engine and blast-people bit is done.

So far as other stuff for the skies are concerned, have you considered birds and planes? You could even allow players to shoot them for bonus points at the end of a round - or at least, a humerous message of some description.

Any chance of implementing the other bits of SE as well, btw - i.e. shields, guidance, parachutes, and fuel to move? I suspect guidance wouldn't be that tough (at least for the basic horizontal/vertical guidance systems... "heat seaking" or what have you might be tougher).

Very good work thus far though, from the looks of things - although i'll confess, I haven't actually tried the game yet, if I'm honest.