Scorched GP programmer

New version, with lots of new things
-some weapons have trails
-some extra weapons
-ai has been made stronger and selects the weapon it shoots with smart (i hope
-rounds, with buying weapons in between
-health shown above the tank
-menus made a bit less responsive, i hope it's okay now
-improoved land and sky graphics (changable colors will be for next version
-the game has a name, it's own fxe, with own icon and splashscreen
-lots of bugfixes (music resetting, noise when switching music, roller bullet not hitting,...)
A: firing/selecting a menu option
B: returning to the main menu
Directional pad: going through the menu options/altering them, changing power/angle of the tank
Start: stopping the current game, and return to main menu
L/R:choosing the next/previous weapon
Enjoy the game
and if you find any bugs, let me know in the betatest forum thread
*NOTICE*i've update the zip at 23h, fixed a bug that made the gam freeze for half a minute after completing a game...
download link: http://users.pandora.be/racemaniac/Fenix/ScorchedGPBeta2.zip
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