GP32 My Metal Slug Like Game


Mar 29, 2005
HI, I have finished the first level of my shooting game for gp32 written in fenix.
I want to post some screens, so if there is anybody who can host them tell me your e-mail and I will send them...
The game plays like Metal Slug without the prisoners, because I dosen´t wan´t the game to be exactly Metal Slug. Also there are no special weapons yet...
But you can also throw grenades and slash enemys (police man) down with your knife.
I made the graphics myself using the old graphic editor of the Div2 engine (gamemaker pro) under dos.
Said enough can anyone host the screens??
wow- it looks great :)
I hope you continue with this project; would be great to play something like this on the gp32_console

also, i dont know how imageshack works, but I host my pics from (very convenient). Once the pic is hosted, a url is displayed below. To make the pic appear on the page (as opposed to linking to it), click on IMG (located above the text box when you are posting, near the fonts and all that crap), and just copy and paste the url. really easy :)

good luck on your project

EDIT: some of the pics Bampt posted





  • shoot36km.jpg
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  • shoot41zr.jpg
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Thanks for your opinion, I will release the demo when the coding competition by Gbax is finished...
Is it important for you guyz to make it possible collecting special weapons, or
are you satisfied with some tank like vehicles? (Making vehicles isn´t as difficult as making new animations for the character holding another weapon)
I'd actually rather have different wepons but I don't think you need to change the anamatoins If you don't want to.. like in contra.
if I´m going to make special weapons i won´t change the animation of the character and if I implement some vehicles to it is going to be a good playable game... I don´t thinked about vehicles yet but making them Metal slug style( rotating vulcan cannon) would make it to a fake of Ms. I´m thinking about other vehicle styles, but I can´t imaging what they are going to look like... If anyone has Ideas about weapons and/or vehicles he can post them here, I am going to read them all ;)
Looks really cool! :D

You are a nice artist if you did all the sprites by yourself :)
Looking really forward to play it!
Wow, it looks great, although I'm sure I need to speak to my lawyer about some copyright issues regarding the title :P

I can't wait to play it, BYEEEEE!!

PS: An APC that could run people over and maybe had a small machine gun would be cool.
Various vehicles would be wonderful, I enjoyed being able to drive something in any action game that offered the feature (Metal Slug, Ikari Warriors, Terminator Future Shock...).
I offer myself as a betatester. I've tested some GP32 games beforen (pixpang, Lady Killer...), and I'm testing a GBAx compo game, those are my references...

PM me if I'm accepted, thanks.

PD: I can also help with a translation into spanish