Teaser. (More Info to Come)

That's kind of stunning. Great work  :D

I've said this over and over... but the marketing/advertising stuff is very important and having an amazing high quality package matters more than they are willing to admit.
Ah yes I see the Japanese chars now, didn't notice them on my mobile screen before.

This box is IMO nicer than that of the Google Nexus and the Apple iPad ones. Eye catching great work
Another view of the box :

... though I'd have expected it to have some Japanese lettering, why is it all in English?
YOu'll be surprised by usually lots of cool stuff is not written in Japanese in Japan. They like to see simple english words rather than Japanese, especially for Product names and catch lines.

Back of the box has Japanese, though, as Linux-SWAT pointed out.
WOW!  This is huge!  If we can tap into the Japanese market, this will really help move some Pandoras.  Beautiful packaging too.  Kind of has a Paper Wars kind of a feel to it.   :)
very nice and good tagline. The aesthethic suits the japanese market i think.

Are you re-selling pandoras in japan Ekianjo?

If so how many.
I was following some of traylorparks progress creating it. It's an outstanding piece of work - as usual if he's creating something! ... congrats for finally getting this out :-)
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 he works really fast and has many good execution ideas
Crow might have some differing opinions on that point. ;)

Thanks for all the kind words everyone! It was a blast working on this project and quite an honor to be able to contribute to the success of the Open Pandora in an official capacity.

The concept for the design was to some how wrap up the potential and versatility of the OP. My vision of the Pandora experience is like having an entirely new world in your hands for you to explore, a wholly new adventure and experience. That was the starting point anyways.

It's so nice to finally see these printed out existing in the real world as opposed to just living in my computer screen!

This design won't be going only to the Japanese buyers, I'm also preparing some Pandora fitted wallpapers based off the box design. B) Also thinking of doing a night scene as well.
Is there going to be a version with English writing to send out to UK ans US customers?

EDIT: In case I forgot to say, that artwork is wonderful.

Here's to many more sales in the future :)
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Fair enough.

I'm sure there's a stack of the old cardboard boxes to work though anyways