Release Super Hexagon (full version)


Certified Guru
Aug 23, 2005
Super Hexagon is a minimal action game by Terry Cavanagh, with music by Chipzel.


Terry kindly allowed to us to bundle the Android version with game data and apkenv+c4a support into this ready-to-use PND. The repo account to buy this from is associated with Terry's PayPal, so funds go directly to him. This version (like all others) is DRM free.

Get it here:

The only issue this version has is that ingame scoreboard doesn't work, because Android version is using Java to draw it and apkenv doesn't have a Java VM. This doesn't affect gameplay in any way though.

If you already bought the Android APK, you can also use it with apkenv or this PND from the repo:

although I suggest you to buy this again to encourage Terry to allow us to release his future games.
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awesome! my main reason to not try writing an apkenv module for this was withdrawing income for the original author. but now thats no more.

i encourage everyone already playing it to spend that dollar - it's not much and really worth every dime!

and thanks notaz for your continuous efforts!
Even though I've it installed on my Pandora already, I splashed out for the official repo version too, always good to see another commercial game on here. I've bought and finished VVVVV on my Pandora too!

Sent from my GT-I8160 using Tapatalk 2
You don't need to vvvvv Is already in the repo though u do need to transfer the data files over

An official release would be nice though with data files included :-)
oh no!

after much practice, i was finally able to beat 60 seconds on hexagonest hypermode (aka hardestest) and was looking forward to the special ending i've read about on the webs.

crushingly, the game just exited out to the pandora's desktop. my score was recorded (and submitted through to C4ALL) however no cool ending. this happened to me twice (once with the first SH version using the humble bundle apk file and once with the SH full pay version off the repo).

i can barely see my screen now through my tears of disappointment as i type this. (i am *mostly* kidding here...)

i hope to spare anyone else this pain and wonder if something can be done. now i'm off to try on steam...
oh no!

after much practice, i was finally able to beat 60 seconds on hexagonest hypermode (aka hardestest) and was looking forward to the special ending i've read about on the webs.

crushingly, the game just exited out to the pandora's desktop. my score was recorded (and submitted through to C4ALL) however no cool ending. this happened to me twice (once with the first SH version using the humble bundle apk file and once with the SH full pay version off the repo).
Ugh that's nasty.. I'll admit I never finished the game because of it's difficulty and the ending was not tested on pandora..

I'll test that ASAP (one way or another) and see what's going on.
oh no!

after much practice, i was finally able to beat 60 seconds on hexagonest hypermode (aka hardestest) and was looking forward to the special ending i've read about on the webs.

crushingly, the game just exited out to the pandora's desktop. my score was recorded (and submitted through to C4ALL) however no cool ending. this happened to me twice (once with the first SH version using the humble bundle apk file and once with the SH full pay version off the repo).
Ugh that's nasty.. I'll admit I never finished the game because of it's difficulty and the ending was not tested on pandora..

I'll test that ASAP (one way or another) and see what's going on.
You are just going to have to play this game non-stop until you complete it! :P
OK at 4am after getting my ass kicked multiple times even with 2x slowdown hack, caught the crash in gdb, debugged it and patched apkenv to handle some stuff it was missing, and the ending went through now. I'll package it all up tomorrow I guess.
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OK at 4am after getting my ass kicked multiple times even with 2x slowdown hack, caught the crash in gdb, debugged it and patched apkenv to handle some stuff it was missing, and the ending went through now. I'll package it all up tomorrow I guess.
wow... that was super fast and sounds like it was a super effort! thank you so much for your excellent and hard work! i'll definitely try it out and report back once it is available.
OK at 4am after getting my ass kicked multiple times even with 2x slowdown hack, caught the crash in gdb, debugged it and patched apkenv to handle some stuff it was missing, and the ending went through now. I'll package it all up tomorrow I guess.
Notaz - I applaud you... I'm shocked that you just dived in like a ninja! :ph34r:
OK repo updated with fixed version.

Slow Rollin Low: you need to clear appdata and redo the game or change




in pandora/appdata/super_hexagon/data/data.apk/data/suphex.dat , otherwise the game will think you already saw the ending and won't show it again.
notaz- thank you so much both for the new SH pnd and the specific instructions regarding appdata.

i'm going to start fresh with a new appdata folder (though will save the old one in case i get bogged down on hexagonest!).

hopefully it won't take too long to get through the levels again.

you rock!
woohoo! i can confirm that the ending works on the new pnd... and it is spectacular and *awesome* (and was worth the hours of practice!)

thanks again for fixing things up notaz!