God Ginrai
That sounds even worse than the "whirring" noise I was assuming "sirring" meant.Answers to some questions:
3. "sirring" is probably a Germanism: https://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/sirren "to make a soft, high-pitched sound through movement". Proper translation would be "high pitch buzz". The official technical term for the effect is "singing MLCC".
At least the way it is presented to us, it sounds to me like you are searching for an "equally good" solution rather than choosing the best solution. I'm not knocking you for trying to avoid Tantalum given its issues as a conflict material, but as far as I have been able to gather from what we've been told regarding this issue... Tantalum capacitors solve the issue completely. That means you have found the best choice already and are currently trying to find a more palatable best choice.Answers to some questions:
4. Tantalum: yes, it would be a small percentage, but they also have other potential problems and we prefer to chose the best solution (even if it means doing a small change to the PCB layout)
EDIT: @Grench: I've got an Onyx C67ML Carta 2 and love it; Chose that over the Aura One for Android.
-God Ginrai