Stella 2.2 Out Friday, 04/07/06


Certified Guru
Dec 28, 2005
Atlanta, GA USA
Stella 2.2 is due out Friday, 04/07/06. The latest version uses a new "Rom Browser" mode that makes navigation folder-based. It received favorable reviews in playtesting. ;)

In short, the Rom Browser mode cuts out labeling each ROM and reduces initial load time significantly. The interface has been reworked for easier navigation. Enjoy.

Say it with me folks;


Jarska333 posted on Apr 6 2006 at 04:30 PM said:

...What is Stella?

(Atari 2600 emulator. Now celebrate! ;))
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Great !
I really enjoyed some games on this recently.
Not games that I already known (I had an Atari 2600 as my first gaming system), but all the strange games that I discovered with this emu.
Great! glad to see this great emu is still being updated.

Thanks for the great work :)
Thanks for the great work again :)

I now divided up my roms by subdirectory. ABC, DEF, GHI...etc. It now makes getting to things and loading the list much faster, thanks.

Also *minor* feature request (this is easy I hope) that is to center the screen vertically. Now there is a big dead area on the bottom part. It would look a bit better if there were 2 equally sized bars on top and bottom.

Great job, thanks again.
Seems pretty nice, menu's are now navigatable (yeah).

But Ms. Pacman sure makes some pretty nasty sounds. Especially when you get killed.
Am I the only one who has noticed that the sound has been off the last couple versions?

The frequency is too high, and changing the CPU speed does not seem to make a difference.
Greenchili posted on Apr 8 2006 at 11:31 PM said:
Am I the only one who has noticed that the sound has been off the last couple versions?

The frequency is too high, and changing the CPU speed does not seem to make a difference.

Hmmm.... I'll look into it. Give me the name of a couple trouble titles. I finally have a GP2X again. :lol:
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I too noticed 'weird' sound in Ms Pac Man ... but I never had the original game to compare it to, and thought it was normal ... (I was VERY embarrassed commenting on the 'little black vertical lines' that I saw in some games :lol:)

The only thing I could hope for is Pitfall II to get a needed increase in speed, but otherwise, it's PERFECT! (I had to actually buy another GP2X for my Wife so she could play Demon Attack)
TelcoLou posted on Apr 10 2006 at 04:47 PM said:
I was VERY embarrassed commenting on the 'little black vertical lines' that I saw in some games

well i never had a 2600 growing up, either, so they confused me a bit as well. and after hearing someone give a technical explanation (maybe epicenter?), i still don't get it. :)
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(I'm embarrassed because we had a 2600 the day it came out. I was a wee lad of ~12 and have since then suffered a few million murdered brain cells so I forgot the real games looked that way :P)
The problem is real obvious in "Adventure" and easy to get too since it's at the beginning of the alphabet. :lol:

You have to play it on a different emulator to really be able to tell. I've been playing 2600 games for years so I'm pretty used to the way it sounds. I only tried "Adventure", "Space Invaders", "HERO", and "Ms. Pacman". It was not until I got to Adventure that I realized something was not right.

Other than that it plays great! It gets a little funky from time to time though. Another "quirk" is if I adjust the framerate the mouse speed gets affected. Setting framerate to 1 makes the mouse literally crawl.

If I get a chance maybe I'll try a few other titles, but it seems to affect pretty much everyone. It will probably be more obvious in games your familar with.