Status Of Psx4gp2x Work Being Done :)

fusion_power: Exactly what I'm thinking to do. When the emulator gets to a more stable state in terms of optimization changes, I plan to include per-game-configs that also save GP2X & PSX clock settings, etc. Also, I plan to include my keyconfig for one-time "save and forget" configuration of controls.

shinneri: Wow, first Tetris Plus, then Theme Park! Great to hear! The game probably runs at a higher resolution, as said, but that makes it even more impressive of a feat. :)
i think theme park is actually too fast ! I will make a video of it :D

Heres some other videos :

Tetris plus ------>HERE

Legacy Of Kain Blood Omen -------->HERE

Capcom Vs SNK Pro -------->HERE

Megaman X4 -------->HERE

Contra -------->HERE
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Wow!, this release is a big improvement, now all I have on my gp2x is PS1 games, on cnc red alert set the interlace to 1, cycle to 1 and the psx clock to 106% and its practically full speed, it's damn good stuff. If you set the cycle any higher than 1 on this game there is latency between clicking an object to it actually selecting the clicked object. Oh and the 2X clock set to 270.
i think theme park is actually too fast ! I will make a video of it :D

Heres some other videos :

Tetris plus ------>HERE

Legacy Of Kain Blood Omen -------->HERE

Capcom Vs SNK Pro -------->HERE

Megaman X4 -------->HERE

Contra -------->HERE

if u dont mind can do another medal of honour 2 vid iam sure the fps will be way faster
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hey cabbages, if its not too much trouble. Then i would love to see resident evil directors cut.
I'm getting about 10FPS in medal of honor with PSX Cycle set to 3 and PSX Clock set to 110% :)]

EDIT: Oh yeah, I'm overclocked to 266 mhz :P

zodttd: Would it be possible to maybe have an option (commandline, or in menu) to output the framerate to the console at regular intervals?
Medal Of Honour 2 ------>HERE

Theme Hospital ------->HERE

King Of Fighters 99 --------->HERE
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wow, theme hospital is looking good- have you tried it when there are lots of people in the hospital? If so, does the framerate decrease a lot?
nope not played it much that video is about all i played of it

EDIT: Oh forgto to say theme hospital seems to take ages to load after the loga at teh start then after the theme hospital logo. I raised the cycle to about 10 and it ened up loading but it may not have been the cycle change that made it load. But if you wait and wait and nothing happens then try messing about with the cycle.

EDIT: Abes exoddus runs as fast and as well as abes odyssey. I tryed king of fighters 95 96 97 and 99 they all work but are kind of slow and kof95 the characters dont appear for some reason
¡We need a frame limiter ZODTTD, for 2D games of course! :D

I think in general 2D games worked originally at 60 fps (50 fps in PAL) and 30 (25 PAL) 3D games.
But there are a lot of exceptions like Rapid Racer (a 3D game running in an impressive 60 fps (50 pal)), Ridge Racer Deluxe bonus disc from Ridge Racer Type 4.

And maybe some 2D game worked at 30 fps, but i am not sure.

I think Wipeout 1 worked at more than 30 frames, it worked smother than 30 fps apparently.

Zodttd, i suppose that if we put vsync to 60 and the emulator would be 100% fullspeed we would get the exact original framerate isn't it?

Sorry for my very bad english :D
Man, I'm so happy Theme Hospital has been shown to work! I was biting my nails all this time. NOW I can get it off Ebay. That and theme park.
I'm a little worried that lots of characters on screen might really slow Theme Hospital down though. If anyone knows if this happens or not, it would be much appreciated!
Playdough: It might slow down, there's always the chance. But there's still lots to do to make the emulator faster. :)
zodttd said:
But there's still lots to do to make the emulator faster. :)
Zod, don't take this the wrong way, but, you are the only guy who can give a heterosexual bloke a hard on :lol:
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I'm sure the guy's just fantasizing at the thought of a full speed Lara Croft bouncing round his '2x screen....

Maybe. ;)