Burbruee said:
About framelimiting.. I've reached 35-40 fps in FF7 at some places when there's not much going on and the game runs too fast.
Anyway, I haven't played around with psx4gp2x in a while but I just tried the latest version and I couldn't seem to activate progressive interlace. Why?
The interlace was taken off in favour of increasing pixel sizes
Isnt it because they are using an older version of the renderer?
I know, I know, theres about 1497 games I should be testing, but the FF games are among the few that work that I actually own, so
FF VIII is unplayable once you reach the world map, it *will* run at cycle speeds as high as 6, albiet slow, but at these high speeds the *attack swirl* hard locks the gp2x. Only tried FF VIII cos of my FF VII world map issues, will try FF IX once I find my damn CD1 ! Tried Harry Potter and the Philophers stone, cos I found it while looking for FF IX, and it loads, but some bad GFX issues in menes make it unplayable.