GP2X Splash Screen Petition To Get Our Way


Jan 4, 2006
Brisbane, Australia
Following the "rant" thread about how GPH are not honoring the GPL and that GPH should allow devs to merge fixes into the firmware source, a thought occured to me.....

Since most (all?) new software for the GP2x is made by indie devs, why not have a campaign of including a "Shame GPH" splashscreen?

That way every user using the GP2x knows what is going on whether GPH like it or not.
They shouldn't be able to take the dev's wishes for granted and this is one way to force the issue.

Maybe a competition for a suitable splash screen could be run and then there would be a standard screen all devs could add to thier apps.

It would also be nice to have a link to a website that had a petition that could be signed by all users etc.
I think that it could be done, but not so much "Shame GPH".
Just more a splash screen with outstanding sources not released and so on.
Just a bit of pressure.
I think running a campaign of abuse against a small team who have created a great little console out of nothing isn't a great idea
These people have enough work trying to sort out the main problems at the moment.
If they were to take the time to set up all the devs stuff that people are screaming for, then they wouldn't get the more important stuff done. Then they would have people screaming at them for bringing out a dodgy console & not taking the time to make sure it works properly :angry:

The consoles barly out on the market & these poor people are getting nothing but grief.
I'm sure that they'll get around to the devs stuff once the more critical bugs are out of the way. Just ease off them for a while & let them get on with it for goodness sake.
I think running a campaign of abuse against a small team who have created a great little console out of nothing isn't a great idea
And violating the license of the software they're using as well as pissing all over the spirit of openness they were supposed to be representing isn't a great idea either.

I like this idea as long as it doesn't decend into idiocy and hyperbole. It's a peaceful protest but it should get the message across.

If they were to take the time to set up all the devs stuff that people are screaming for, then they wouldn't get the more important stuff done. Then they would have people screaming at them for bringing out a dodgy console & not taking the time to make sure it works properly

Seriously, do you have a fucking clue what you're talking about? The only thing that is being asked here is that they release the source to the firmware they've released so far, according to the license that Linux is released under. Do you really think that sort of thing would cause them to fall so far behind?
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Tripmonkey_uk: The problems is that they are failing at it, and not releasing the code for their changes.

Not to mention that they are screwing over the great work done by

these guys
these guys
these guys
these guys

And probably more.

We just want them to comply with the GPL which in the end will benfit them as much as it will benefit us.

Being a small company isn't an excuse to step on others work.
Seriously, do you have a fucking clue what you're talking about? The only thing that is being asked here is that they release the source to the firmware they've released so far, according to the license that Linux is released under. Do you really think that sort of thing would cause them to fall so far behind?

No but doing everything else that go's with it could. The rant wasn't just asking for the source code.

Why isn't GPH totally embracing the dev community? You'd think with them being so pro Linux that they would set up CVS/Subversion servers containing their latest source code and set up a system similar to the Linux kernel project where people can submit patches that might make it into the next official firmware.

Not like it's a two minute job, is it?

BBTroll - u posted while I was searching for the links :)
I agree completely. They should release the source code & give credit where credits due.
I was refering to all the other stuff that people were asking for that's all.
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You might have a valid argument there if most of the work hadn't already been done for them. It would surely take little effort for them to cooperate with existing efforts and work with the community to make those firmware improvements.

Seriously, if you don't know what you're talking about, stay out of the discussion.

A lot of the work might be done already but not all by far & from what I hear GPH consists of only a handfull of people who are expected to sort out everything from coding to packaging & testing.
A little effort for u, could be an overloading work load for them after it get's added to all of the other work that they have on the table.
They're trying to start up a small company not just a hobby & that's a hell of a lot of work for anybody.

As for me staying out of the discussion? it's a forum u ponce & people have a right to they're opinions.
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This would be a campaign that helps the devs make more software for users.

The goal is to allow devs to merge the fixes they have made back into the firmware. Things like backup firmware (to make bricking harder), speedups, etc would find their way into official firmware faster this way.

Otherwise it is all up to a "handfull of people" at GPH. This actually helps ease the load on that "small handfull"

Plus it is the GPL for crying out loud, honor it or don't use it.

EDIT: I see busybox at least have a hall of shame

Wouldn't it be a shame if the FSF or similar sue poor little GPH for breach.......
You can see my post in that thread, or ill just repost the image here. It took almost 1 min, so its not that good. Just a quick idea.

This was on the board

"The release of the bootloader and operating system files falling under the GPL has already occurred.

CVS mirror here:

Subcontracted software developer's official site here:

Additional releases of code are forthcoming. "

The code could need a bit of documentation before release - I suggest you all back off for a week and see if it gets released.
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"The release of the bootloader and operating system files falling under the GPL

I guess they think if they release a bit of source once, then they're done with it.

Except that's not the case: they are obliged to release the source to every single firmware release!

And I'm not even sure if the source they have released was complete and compilable...
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I don't think antagonising them is going to improve the situation. If anything it could undermine the efforts of DJWillis et al.
And I'm not even sure if the source they have released was complete and compilable...
You haven't tried ? You don't know ? What is your basis for that statement ?
I guess they think if they release a bit of source once, then they're done with it.
It could also mean DJ has got through to them and they will comply from now on.
The kernel source compiles, but there are no usb gadget modules WHICH IS ALSO GPL. You can ask PLX for the original code, BUT that doens't excuse GPH from releasing it.

digitaljez: GPH has not any more relases since the original release.
Just a thought: Might it be sensible to put any text on splash screens in Korean as well as English? Bearing in mind GPH's English - with the exception of Anna Hong's - tends to be abysmal, and they therefore might well simply not understand the issue raised by screens on proggies.
Just a thought: Might it be sensible to put any text on splash screens in Korean as well as English? Bearing in mind GPH's English - with the exception of Anna Hong's - tends to be abysmal, and they therefore might well simply not understand the issue raised by screens on proggies.
Bear in mind our Korean. It would probably translate to them as "blue kettle dishwasher".
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Can we somehow change this forum to have a poll in it. It would be nice to see the level of support within the dev community for this splash screen. Unless it is widely supported, this splash screen will probably just divide the community.. I am all for it however, I just don't want to see the community start an internal war.

Perhaps ppl in support of compliance with the GPL could also add a side note to thier sig.
Just a thought: Might it be sensible to put any text on splash screens in Korean as well as English? Bearing in mind GPH's English - with the exception of Anna Hong's - tends to be abysmal, and they therefore might well simply not understand the issue raised by screens on proggies.
Bear in mind our Korean. It would probably translate to them as "blue kettle dishwasher".

Well, you can create understandable Korean (or probably understandable Korean) by double-babelfishing it and throwing grammar to the wind. After all, if it translates into Korean *and* back to the same in English, it was probably a fairly (if not totally)decent translation.

Alternatively, find someone who does speak Korean - these days there do seem to be a few around, though I can't remember any of their names, unfortunately, atm - and get them to do it :).
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