They haven't, I'm sure it will be an oven just like the fat PS3 wasIntriguing size comparison of the old/new MS/Sony systems:
I'd like a thermal imaging comparison between the two contenders to see what's going on after an hour or two. Microsoft's machine is mostly vents, how have Sony managed to keep temperatures under control in there?
I do like the form factor of the PS4, as the ONE looks like shit.
I'm no big Steve Jobs fan, but I have to agree with him in regards to the lines and image of hardware. MS is clueless in this area, and besides the slim 360, their systems are the ugliest in history. I know it's what's on the inside that count's, but come on. I don't think I'll ever even consider the ONE, unless they shrink it down and improve the looks. Absolutely terrible(size & design).
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