On the other hand, the cracking of something, usually ties with a few factors: material strength (how hard you would have to stretch it before it fails), ductility, resistance to impacts, and most importantly, the case's design aka loading path. Pandora's case can be cracked rather easily is due to a few factors, such as the brittlenss of the plastic, how each part of the cases connect to others (those annoying little hooks). I would recon, using a more ductile plastic, getting rid of many of the small bits would help a lot in this case. Use screws instead of those hooks will make everyone's life easier, just make sure those bits that the screws go in aren't the critical load pathes.
I personally love the texture and look of metal, sure it's not very utilitarian, but it feels classy. However, I can deal with some nice polished plastic finishing as well; if this will please more people and make ED happy.