SoC: Back and forth!

Just out of curiosity then, how may i ask, do you know that its not compatible w/ rbpi's compute module?

Why should it ? Completly different SoC and completely different scopes, goals and design parameters - this would be THE coincidence in human history if they would be compatible. Of course there is a theoretical chance that ED+Nikolaus took the specs for rbpis compute model as a basis (which I doubt, see first sentence), but as open as the design process was till now, I am pretty sure they would have mentioned it at some point
Because if it were EvilDragon would have mentioned it. Instead he's been talking about the complexity of designing such a thing and the amount of reworking Nikolaus has had to do.

The compute module exposes all the pins of the BCM2835 but the OMAP5 has a different set of I/O, it wouldn't make any sense to try and make them compatible, there would be sacrifices.

Further, at 30mm it consumes a lot of board space, Nikolaus has worked hard to make the Pyra's CPU board compact so that it doesn't change the Pyra's dimensions nor get in the way of the keyboard.
Just out of curiosity then, how may i ask, do you know that its not compatible w/ rbpi's compute module?

Know for a fact it isn't, compute module is based on a SODIMM style package like laptop memory, while the Pyra module due to tighter size restraints will use a homegrown module design using connectors with low profile connectors.
Anyone else notice pyra news having new messages, go to check what's new, see no new posts in threads, go back to main page to check it wasn't just unrefreshed page showing old posts, notice ye olde news thread being the one posted into and feeling stupid for not looking on the second page in the first place?
Anyone else notice pyra news having new messages, go to check what's new, see no new posts in threads, go back to main page to check it wasn't just unrefreshed page showing old posts, notice ye olde news thread being the one posted into and feeling stupid for not looking on the second page in the first place?
Yes! Just happened to me with your post!
Just out of curiosity then, how may i ask, do you know that its not compatible w/ rbpi's compute module?
Just out of curiosity myself, though, why do you want this? As Exophase explained, the CPU module wouldn't save much money, maybe a few dozen dollars for a significantly inferior device. What benefit would EvilDragon gain by redesigning to use the Pi2's module?
Just out of curiosity then, how may i ask, do you know that its not compatible w/ rbpi's compute module?

Know for a fact it isn't, compute module is based on a SODIMM style package like laptop memory, while the Pyra module due to tighter size restraints will use a homegrown module design using connectors with low profile connectors.
So what are the dimensions of the pyra's cm? Yes I am aware that you cant just cut the thing with a board cutter and force it into the slot so an adapter(ribbon?) would be required but the concept isnt totally an alien one(arduino(Atmel) shields running on Pis...)

Just out of curiosity then, how may i ask, do you know that its not compatible w/ rbpi's compute module?
Just out of curiosity myself, though, why do you want this? As Exophase explained, the CPU module wouldn't save much money, maybe a few dozen dollars for a significantly inferior device. What benefit would EvilDragon gain by redesigning to use the Pi2's module?
Want to know if the BCM2836's module could be adapted to provide functionality/performance equalling if not better than that of the original pandora(seeing as its now no more in production)? While I appreciate Exophase's input I'd like to hear what ED has to say on the costs associated with such a venture(adapter)... if he has the time if not cest lavie.

Because if it were EvilDragon would have mentioned it. Instead he's been talking about the complexity of designing such a thing and the amount of reworking Nikolaus has had to do.

The compute module exposes all the pins of the BCM2835 but the OMAP5 has a different set of I/O, it wouldn't make any sense to try and make them compatible, there would be sacrifices.

Further, at 30mm it consumes a lot of board space, Nikolaus has worked hard to make the Pyra's CPU board compact so that it doesn't change the Pyra's dimensions nor get in the way of the keyboard.
Since the rbpi's cm is a full breakout layout, it wouldnt be impossible to have the BCM cater to the pyra's OMAP tasks? e.g. HDMI USB MIPI Bluetooth ethernet wifi etc? And yes the software would need a rework but then again once you open the floodgates to the millions that make up the rbpi "horde" who knows maybe something neat might come out of it?

Sure sacrifice is expected but at 30 bucks+ $breakout-adapter i guess that would be expected... :S

Im eager to see what the final schematics look like!
So what are the dimensions of the pyra's cm?
Only the people designing it know at this point, it's still being developed.
While I appreciate Exophase's input I'd like to hear what ED has to say on the costs associated with such a venture(adapter)...
I'm assuming from the the mis-information you have most likely received about the compute module from the jokers on IRC, that you are uuhimhere... EvilDragon didn't entertain the idea on IRC, why would he on the boards?

Since the rbpi's cm is a full breakout layout, it wouldnt be impossible to have the BCM cater to the pyra's OMAP tasks? e.g. HDMI USB MIPI Bluetooth ethernet wifi etc?
Yeah the nature of the daughterboard design is to allow other type of SoCs to be put on there..
And yes the software would need a rework but then again once you open the floodgates to the millions that make up the rbpi "horde" who knows maybe something neat might come out of it?
I still don't see the draw, there really isn't entirely that much difference for a user or developer to switch between the RPi and the OMAP5.. Both are running an armhf linux distribution, both could potentially use the same OS outside of special consideration to the hardware like the screen and custom keyboard.the two could run the same software if they were not compiled with OMAP or BCM specific optimizations. It's more than likely software compiled on the Rpi2 could just run without recompiling on the Pyra as long as the dependencies are met.
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Since the rbpi's cm is a full breakout layout, it wouldnt be impossible to have the BCM cater to the pyra's OMAP tasks? e.g. HDMI USB MIPI Bluetooth ethernet wifi etc? And yes the software would need a rework but then again once you open the floodgates to the millions that make up the rbpi "horde" who knows maybe something neat might come out of it?

Sure sacrifice is expected but at 30 bucks+ $breakout-adapter i guess that would be expected... :S

Im eager to see what the final schematics look like!
Mind expaining what your goal is ? With breakout adapter n'stuff you won't get a handheld device anymore, so I guess this is out of the question. But whats left then ? There are already dozens of projects that incorporate a rbpi into different design(ideas), why make this another one ?
No matter how much I think about this idea, I can't stop the facial palmation.

e.g. HDMI USB MIPI Bluetooth ethernet wifi etc?
As far as I can tell you can't use its MIPI interface to power the internal interface (or any other). You'd need a specialized binary blob for the screen (and rotator chip) to do that. There are none available at all as far as I can tell - unless they start making a board with an included MIPI screen on their own, we'll probably never ever see a single one being done, and that one would still be useless for your idea.
Also, you'd lose SATA and USB 3 support, eventually you'll only have a single USB port working at all. You won't be able to use all SD slots. Stuff like Wifi and Bluetooth will still require custom drivers that surely won't be part of any kernel currently being used by the different RPi systems out there, if the SoC even has the required interfaces.
Sure sacrifice is expected but at 30 bucks+ $breakout-adapter i guess that would be expected...
I meant sacrifices in the Pyra. The BCM has fewer features than the OMAP, in order to remain pin compatible some of those features from the OMAP could not be exposed. You're proposal would mean an inferior device, just so you could plug in a Pi2 board and save $50. Doesn't make sense.
I'm assuming from the the mis-information you have most likely received about the compute module from the jokers on IRC, that you are uuhimhere... EvilDragon didn't entertain the idea on IRC, why would he on the boards?
uuhhimwhowhat? I dont know about that but from the responses above I think I get what you mean by jokers... :D

Anyways its good to know that there are others interested in a "pandora-shield"(the whole case shabang minus the pyra cm) for the pi2's compute module; I guess if I really wanted one Id just wait for the pyra to come out and buy everything in spare parts minus the OMAP cm and make one myself. :P
I guess if I really wanted one Id just wait for the pyra to come out and buy everything in spare parts minus the OMAP cm and make one myself.
Which still leaves the question of why you want one so much. It'll save maybe $50 tops (but probably closer to $20) for a significantly inferior device. And that's even assuming you can get the parts to self-manufacture the board at the same cost as the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
I'm assuming from the the mis-information you have most likely received about the compute module from the jokers on IRC, that you are uuhimhere... EvilDragon didn't entertain the idea on IRC, why would he on the boards?
uuhhimwhowhat? I dont know about that but from the responses above I think I get what you mean by jokers... :D
I can also see IP addresses of people that post, which may have correlated with the IP address shown in IRC log in line or two from said character...
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