Picodrive 1.20

Heart of the alien frezzes, in ootw version just after you reach the exaust vents (the zone where you roll your way evading steam or somethig)
But, Another World is working ok?
Tomorrow i will test it :)
In 1.14 is does not work.
shinra posted on Mar 1 2007 at 09:21 PM said:
Heart of the alien frezzes, in ootw version just after you reach the exaust vents (the zone where you roll your way evading steam or somethig)
When does HotA freeze? I haven't played it too far, but I'm few passcodes in (the one I have has both HotA and Out of This World).
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Here's the password "CLLD" its for the another world (out of this world) part, once I got past that the game tries to load next but it hangs (al least for me), even with the better sincro option.
(Some of the post below is related to possible fix of choppy video - at least in some games)

OK. I have completed Out of this World (from Heart of the Alien) from start to finish and it's perfect. A real showcase for this new emu release. CDDA is perfect. The game did not freeze for me in exhaust vent stage either (as mentioned in post above).

I used USA version of game. BIOS used was us_scd1_9210.bin (I think version 1.10 is stated at BIOS intro screen).

The FMV is :D perfect :D too, but only after I lowered my overclock from 255 to 245. It was a little choppy and audio a bit garbled before I did this. I would suggest lowering your overclock by at least 10MHz if you are not happy with the FMV in this game. This might work on other games too. Please report any success!

Note: I fixed glitchy audio in Snatcher by lowering my overclock also.
Thank you Imhotep :) Another world is a great game.I test it with 1.14 (didn´t work) but no with 1.20 ;) I gonna play it rihgt now, thank you for your opinion.
I will try what you say about OC ;)
Rivroner posted on Mar 2 2007 at 11:09 PM said:
Thank you Imhotep :) Another world is a great game.
One of my all time faves.

Here is Eric Chahi's (original programmer) great site that explains all the different versions of this game
Elsewhere in the site explains what went in to making the game. Full site here

The Sega CD version is my favourite, because it runs smoother than most other versions, has the extra content of the console versions, but even better, is fully scored by Jean-Francois Freitas. He is the original composer in the Amiga version (1st ever version of game), but there is very little of his music due to limitations of the medium. The CD format allowed him to write lots of high quality music and his talent really shines in generating a perfect atmosphere for the game. Most of the music in Genesis, SNES and 3DO versions wasn't composed by Jean-Francois.

There is a recently released 15th aniversary version for Windows XP that I purchased from the above site. I like it almost as much as the Sega CD version. It doesn't have the extra music by Jean-Francois, but the vector polygons and backgrounds have been upgraded to high res (also optional to play old school graphics). It even runs natively on my 1680x1024 widescreen (The demo didn't have widescreen option, but full game did). The backgrounds are enhanced with extra details too, but not 'painted' like the 3DO version. They really look like they belong there.
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um, I found why heart of the alien it wasn't working for me, i started to play it over again and it worked nice, but i loaded a savestate in the place i mentioned earlier "CLLD" then that frezze happened again, anyone could try this too??.
imhotep posted on Mar 2 2007 at 01:54 PM said:
Rivroner posted on Mar 2 2007 at 11:09 PM said:
Thank you Imhotep :) Another world is a great game.
One of my all time faves.

Here is Eric Chahi's (original programmer) great site that explains all the different versions of this game
Elsewhere in the site explains what went in to making the game. Full site here

The Sega CD version is my favourite, because it runs smoother than most other versions, has the extra content of the console versions, but even better, is fully scored by Jean-Francois Freitas. He is the original composer in the Amiga version (1st ever version of game), but there is very little of his music due to limitations of the medium. The CD format allowed him to write lots of high quality music and his talent really shines in generating a perfect atmosphere for the game. Most of the music in Genesis, SNES and 3DO versions wasn't composed by Jean-Francois.

There is a recently released 15th aniversary version for Windows XP that I purchased from the above site. I like it almost as much as the Sega CD version. It doesn't have the extra music by Jean-Francois, but the vector polygons and backgrounds have been upgraded to high res (also optional to play old school graphics). It even runs natively on my 1680x1024 widescreen (The demo didn't have widescreen option, but full game did). The backgrounds are enhanced with extra details too, but not 'painted' like the 3DO version. They really look like they belong there.
Thank you for the links, i knew a little of that information but not all ;)
I have played 15th anniversary version and iam gonna buy it tomorrow, only 9.95 € :)
Now i am gonna play Mega CD version to the finish.
Thank you man :)
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Rivroner posted on Mar 3 2007 at 09:24 AM said:
I have played 15th anniversary version and iam gonna buy it tomorrow, only 9.95 € :)
Cool, dude. Hope you enjoy it. I loved it.
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Got a quick little bug for you. Whenever changing the sound sample in game it always breaks the sound,like its only playing part of the music not all of it. But when resetting the game or loading a new game it then plays sound fine at whatever the set sample rate is.

Dont know if its just me or what though but it feels i get slightly better performance when using 0.964 over 1.20 for just megadrive games too. Thought id still give 1.20 a try out though, maybe i'll finally switch over at 1.25 or something :P Great work though :)
I noticed that you loose a few FPS using FW 2.1.1 too :( I should have stuck with 2.0 ;)
Heres a video of night trap :-

Night Trap Video

I had never really played night trap much so if it looked like i didnt know what i was doing that is because i did not knwo what i was doing !
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First notaz I'd like to thank you for continuing your work on this wonderful emu. It's so nice playing some Sega CD on the go. Now the reason I'm posting is because with this new version I keep getting 940 crashes with every game I've tried. I copied everything over from the Picodrive 1.20 folder so the code940.bin is in with the gpe file. I even tried switching the options to turn off use 940 and also turned off craig's ram timing options but the games still all crash. Pretty much every game will load but after a little bit of in game play it will crash and load the options menu, but say "940 crashed." at the bottom left of the screen. It seems no matter what I change in the options it still randomly crashes the 940. Any idea what the problem could be?

EDIT: Well it looks like turning off the use arm940 core works. I thought I had it crash last time with it off, but this time I'm leaving it off and so far no crashes. BTW when it was crashing it wasn't a hard crash. It would just go to the options menu and say 940 crashed but I could go back and change setting and resume the game. Kinda wierd.
imhotep posted on Mar 2 2007 at 01:48 PM said:
The FMV is :D perfect :D too, but only after I lowered my overclock from 255 to 245.
Yeah 940 starts misbehaving when it's near it's limit (locking up for short periods of time, miscalculating ym2612 samples sound (emu starts playing weird sounds)), etc., so it's best not to push it too much. Also it is only used for mp3 decoding and processing ym2612, but some games do not use these, so it might be useful to turn it off then to gain higher overclocking of 920.

Yorper posted on Mar 3 2007 at 03:37 PM said:
Got a quick little bug for you. Whenever changing the sound sample in game it always breaks the sound,like its only playing part of the music not all of it. But when resetting the game or loading a new game it then plays sound fine at whatever the set sample rate is.
This is due to internal implementation, fixing this would require some work, don't think everyone needs to change sample rate that often..

geise69 posted on Mar 4 2007 at 08:23 PM said:
Now the reason I'm posting is because with this new version I keep getting 940 crashes with every game I've tried.
Have you tried underclocking? Maybe your 940 is faulty? Are the other 940 apps (movie player, Vektar, Egoboo2x) working for you?
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Yeah I was over clocking to high. I have the 940 for sound and craigix's ram timings back on. So far so good. Thanks again!
Completed Snatcher last night. Great stuff.

I tried Jaguar XJ220 today. It worked, but the graphics are all screwed up (even in 16bit mode). The main car appears on a block that is the same colour as the background and all the other cars and roadside objects appear is if they have massive vertical scanlines going thorugh them. Very strange.

Disappointed that Road Avenger and Cobra Command don't work yet. Oh well.

Keep up the good work Notaz.

Microcosm works with Better Sync turned on, but is pretty much unplayable because of it.

Mortal Kombat CD works. With Better Sync off, it locks up after the intro movie.
With sync on, the intro movie does not display, however the audio does work, and start must be pressed like crazy until the credits screen comes up. After this, sync can be turned off.