Smach Z will pose some serious competition to the Pyra

I'm actually amazed, that the outrage about this shameless copycat project with uncredited stolen community work of the original project isn't greater in the thread you've linked.

The comparison to the Indiegogo project proves that Kickstarter is generating more money and scams alike.


Nah, it´s fine. I´m stating it as a copycat but I actually can´t prove it, I just suspect they tried to get on the wagon and push a successful indiegogo campaign to kickstarter since it is obvious it would bring more money and it was already clear there was a market for it. Basing their campaign very similar to the Gamebuino is a bit strange, but heck, we could say that it was an inspiration. Ripping the images and code to make their backers believe those games were being developed in house for their hardware is what is really ugly.

People at the Gamebuino forum just wanna make games and apps, pitch and fork is a waste of time/energy on this specific case, but if you read that thread, check Myndale´s last post, that is where I believe things really hurt, the open source scene. I´m not sure if it is related but some outstanding coders there are not releasing their source code yet, maybe they are trying to avoid such crap? Either way we all loose this way. If you like the Gamebuino, check Jonnection´s game threads, those are really marvelous stuff.

edit: One funny thing, we have the kickstarter->indiegogo in case of prime fails, but people also keep an eye on indiegogo successes (specially since I believe kickstarter would not accept French projects at the time Rodot was thinking of pushing it) so they can do it the other way around and pocket a buck, ye indiegogo->kickstarter.
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Well, this is interesting:

Pedro about 1 hour ago

Once i Know, all the solution is partial developed, but not have the rigth dimensions to fit in the enclosure.
Im the developer of this device and some tips are not mentioned on the crowdfundig documentation, some are under NDA but i can explain some tips about the project.
1º One of the most important, the device is not closed, is based on clickarm platform.
that means, it can be improved even after purchase.
we are working on a family chip, and it will allow to have more than one solution. wile we developing, the technology of the AMD processors
It will be improved , and we do not want to stay back. the design as other clickarm design are based allways in the performance improvement. The Smach Z, is upgradable.
also if you want to upgrade now with an Exynos,Freescale, you can do it!. but the device is developed to use under x86, because we will get the best graphic performance.

Note: Spanish dude, so quite broken english. ^_^

In other words they have a module system similar to Pyra. It's developed by ImasD. Their FAQ:

But none of this is shown anywhere in the kickstarter. Well there's one paragraph that mentions ImasD and ClickARM (ambiguous naming, much). That tech should be the star of the show!
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Yeah, the Click ARM thing was revealed in the KS video. It was super confusing because they talked about it without describing it in any terms whatsoever. They showed some automated assembly machine working in the background so the obvious inference was that this had something to do with Click ARM. But googling it showed it had to do with this manufacturer's module technology.

I don't find this all that encouraging because ImasD hasn't yet proven it in a released product themselves. Also how oblivious do you have to be to name a mobile product technology "ARM"? In Pyra's case the two board solution is a matter of practicality and something that the whole device has been carefully designed around. Change this to a several-module solution that wasn't originally designed for Smach Z and the whole thing becomes a lot less certain.
Well, this is interesting:

Note: Spanish dude, so quite broken english. ^_^

In other words they have a module system similar to Pyra. It's developed by ImasD. Their FAQ:

But none of this is shown anywhere in the kickstarter. Well there's one paragraph that mentions ImasD and ClickARM (ambiguous naming, much). That tech should be the star of the show!

Actually, "upgradable" may be a negative argument for many sheeple people, since it implies doing something yourself and they'll keep wondering whether they have to fiddle around and most average customers hate fiddling around.

Not that I believe it's upgradable or even remotely real.
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I'm supposed to, especially when at the computer, but I don't. I'm a rebel like that.

edit: does anyone else feel like they're whispering in their head as they type like this? Such a bizarre sensation.
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I don't find this all that encouraging because ImasD hasn't yet proven it in a released product themselves.

I got the impression they had released a tablet based on the tech. But now I can't find anything on it other than press releases or ImasD showing the device themselves. -_-
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edit: does anyone else feel like they're whispering in their head as they type like this? Such a bizarre sensation.

I have the same feeling, it's actually rather pleasant, since I don't really like loud people in RL either.

and I don't even wear glasses or contact lenses, and I have a pretty good eyesight in fact :p

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If text on the Pandora was hard to read, it's because the resolution (480P) was too low.

Either that, or you have really bad eyesight and should seriously check if you need glasses.

You know, we had a 1080p 5" LCD for the Pyra at first and I was running a standard Linux desktop on it.

I needed to increase the size of everything, as I couldn't read it. And I usually have VERY small text on my normal desktop PC.

Seeing how many games running on high resolution use small text, they are barely readable (if they even are!)

A 8px font can be smaller than 1mm on a 1080p 5" screen. And some games even use 6px text.
Yeah okay, go ahead and load this on your phone:

And tell me that you have no discomfort at all reading the text while holding the phone at a distance that'd be reasonable for the Smach Z. And don't lie.

Galaxy S6 with 1440P. Very easy and comfortable to read.
Yes. He's obviously trolling and not winning..

His glasses remark to Ptitseb annoyed me that he might continue to offend other members with stupid stuff. Let's make it small enough so he has to strain his eyes. ;)  

Funny, that was also very easy to read.
You know, we had a 1080p 5" LCD for the Pyra at first and I was running a standard Linux desktop on it.

I needed to increase the size of everything, as I couldn't read it. And I usually have VERY small text on my normal desktop PC.

Seeing how many games running on high resolution use small text, they are barely readable (if they even are!)

A 8px font can be smaller than 1mm on a 1080p 5" screen. And some games even use 6px text.

I use glasses (for distance) and even I find it very easy to read small text on a 1440P screen whatever Galaxy S6' size is (~5").

You're forgetting that while the screen is small, you hold it much closer to your face.

What's the difference between a small screen up close and a big screen far away? Not much
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So stop bitching about other peoples eye-sight.. We're an equal community here. We don't discriminate. 

I'm not. I'm serious that if he struggles to read text on a 480P screen at whatever the Pandora's size is, he needs to get his eyes checked.

I use glasses, too, though for distance (I take my glasses off when reading something or using a handheld/phone).


Also, resolution does play an impact. Something designed for 1080P then downscaled to 720P is going to be hard to read, because the pixels just aren't even there.
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Galaxy S6 with 1440P. Very easy and comfortable to read.

Dude maybe you have super vision or something but on my Nexus 4 there is no way that's anywhere remotely close to "very easy and comfortable to read" while holding it anything like I'd hold a Smach Z. That's a slightly smaller screen but definitely not enough to make a huge difference. And no, resolution has nothing to do with it. I have to take off my glasses (I'm very near sighted but consequently my very up close vision is good) and hold the thing like three inches from my face with one eye closed to read it comfortably.  These are not conditions that are acceptable for something that I have to hold like a controller like Smach Z. My elbows would be bent straight up behind my back.

Yes I can make it out still from a further distance but it takes a lot more straining and focus, just thinking about reading huge swaths of text like this gives me a headache.