Shutting Down Screen

That works good for me. Now I can have mplayer playing mp3s without the screen taking up power and without closing the lid and making the audio sound muted. Thank you!
Pressing FN-something (the something I forget... possibly K?) that turns the brightness down might work.
Alternatively, closing the lid simply triggers a command to be run. That command is a script located somewhere in /etc (I think, I could be wrong, someone correct me) that I don't know the name of but it'll be something like I believe. If I had a Pandora I'd look for it.
Anywho, inside that script is the command that turns off the screen. Find the script, figure out the command inside it, and you can just create a shortcut on your desktop to it. I wonder how you'd turn it back on though once it's off. Maybe brightness-up would work in that case (FN-I, I think). Otherwise simply closing and opening the lid again should do it. Maybe.

edit: actually, you don't even need to open that script to figure out what command it's running, just put a link to that lidclose script on the desktop to be run manually. Let the scripts deal with whatever needs to be called.