Sales +/- 3000


hello Pandora lovers :) (me too)

"June / July" Craigx's debut in the handheld console scene with powerful Pandora..
how many are prepared to buy that thing 100% ?

3000 pieces waiting to be delivered .. in UK / US / DE / ES . ..
Pandora will attract way more buyers than predicted ?
Games are of little interest to me and I still intend to get one. There could be a lot of unexpected demand.
I think the Pandora could potentially be a huge success.

The most recent videos of the hardware mockup and zod's Playstation emulator have both received a lot of views on YouTube. Also, it will get a lot of publicity when it's released from places like engadget.
I emailed the register to see if they would give us some coverage but received nothing back, I was a little sad about this with the register being UK based and with them giving coverage to the Gizmondo relaunch. Oh well. Maybe Carl Freeloader is promising to pay some PR company if they do work for him in advance ;)

I'm sure you'll get tons more coverage once complete units start going out to the 100 devs, and they start posting images and WIP about various projects. It's still very early days. If I was still reporting news someplace I'd go nuts with Pandora news coverage.
Prophet said:
If I was still reporting news someplace I'd go nuts with Pandora news coverage.
Yeah, because saturating the news media long before a new system from an unknown company is even ready is the right thing to do! ^_^

Hey, just sayin'...
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There is no way this thing will ever come close to anything the PSP did or ever will do. That being said it will have a great niche market which is a good thing IMO. I think it will sell past the 3000 but I dont expect much more.

I am getting one.
I suspect there will be a higher than estimated demand.
I know a few folks in my computer science dept want one and none of them ever come on these forums.
I also know of a few other people (like my dad) who are interested in it as a portable computer.
It was Craig and Ed (etc) + Devs that made the GP32 + GP2X what they are today. Game park and Gamepark holdings just made the things on a whim. GP2X 55000 sales and very little publicity. Pandora is not even ready yet and their is a bit of hype already in pc land. Give it time and i'm sure Pandora can hit these targets no problem at all. ;)
I'm sure, the pandora will sell much more than 3000, I'm brave and throw a number like "100.000" in. :D

But the problem is, IF the Pandora will be a surprisingly huge success out of the community to, how hig can Craigix & co drive the manufacturing? We know that even big companies have trouble with this (Asus EEE PC etc. )
What kind of time frame would you say like three years maybe? Plenty of time to hit six figures, your right the trick is the battery can't blow up, red ring of death, catch fire, got to maintain a continuous release of new titles, kind of like a moonshot, much to go wrong but with a little luck and if nothing knocks it off course... I'd guess by the third run it'll be quantas or some other doing the assembling. Avoid those damn plastic wedge connectors.
hello everyone....
im really interested in the Pandora.... i so want it
so would i be able to get it...?
coz i live in Australia?

aznJun said:
hello everyone....
im really interested in the Pandora.... i so want it
so would i be able to get it...?
coz i live in Australia?


Quite a few Aussies in these parts. Welcome. :)

We'll find a way to get it down here. PlayAsia haven't committed to it, nor have I'll be happy to order direct from the UK though.
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lolz alright then...
thanks for the reply...
coz since it 'feels' like its only been release over at the US and stuff...
thought just a question would clear things up :]

Just to continue the Aussie contingency theme that's popped up in this thread... I'm from Hobart!

I think I may be the only Tasmanian to own one, but it's difficult to know.

I'll be interested to see how quickly the 3000 get pre-ordered, this could be one of those things that is self-perpetuating and ends up with everyone staying up late one night when the pre-orders open (I hope a good system is going to be set up for dealing with the pre-orders).
Wow, heaps of Aussies on here. I'm from South Australia.

When I first saw the renderings of the Pandora, I was very put off by it. But as discussion continued, I decided I'd get one, but not in the first 3000. Discussion continues....

Now I'm 110% committed to making sure I'm in the first 3000. Put simply, I WANT ONE.
I'll be buying hopefully one of the first 3000. my dual work monitors now have backgrounds of the mk0 render to keep me happy in the meantime :)