[Analysis] Retrospecter Pandora

there wasn't anything xenophobic about my argument at all. in case you're wondering, the comment about spain was a joke, maybe i shouldn't have used the word gay, but that's irrelevant.

and i really don't care what he has to say about the "criticism" of the pandora, my post had nothing to do with trying to defend against criticism or deny facts. i'm saying is that he posted a stupid analysis that rehashes and simplifies a bunch of complaints we already know about, which have been discussed to death, and in some cases already compiled like this in multiple instances already. i'm saying it's a shitty analysis for obviously avoiding all the nuances about things like the wifi situation and is clearly propaganda.

but if you're a troll, seriously, nice job. especially on the condescending tone when generalizing people as craig lovers and ignoring every other post pointing out what's wrong with the "analysis".
I didn't like your xenophobic joke at all.

I didn't meet your point about considering the critics as propaganda.
I feel more consistent to consider the hype as propaganda, not the critics.

Ah! ... and i'm spanish (and not gay) :P
Hey Scaramouche!

According to your post by when shoudl we expect the first Uruguayan handheld? Probably for when you win the World Cup again isn't it?

I was not here when all the issue with GP32Spain happened. I have to say that the first post of this thread is accurate, nicely gathered and funny... and also... SAD...
Unfathomable Depths said:
If I was told before I paid my 200 quid that it would take this long and be this interesting I'd have ordered two.
Fucking brilliant project.


I'm not romancing the delays, pitfall and frustrations.

I'm celebrating them.

Almost there people.

Indeed! All hail Eris :D

*pours a whisky for a toast*
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Franxis said:
I didn't like your xenophobic joke at all.

I didn't meet your point about considering the critics as propaganda.
I feel more consistent to consider the hype as propaganda, not the critics.

Ah! ... and i'm spanish (and not gay) :P

sorry about that, didn't mean to offend anyone :(

i suppose the hype can be propaganda, but what's the point of posting this "analysis"? anyone who has been on the forums knows the situation as it's been reiterated many many times, so most forum members have already made their choice or will make their choice regardless of this analysis. if it's just to share something he found, then obviously he actually hasn't done much research into the project at all. as you can see from his posts he's obviously against the pandora (or craig), and if he really didn't bother doing any research, the only thing his posts are is malicious and he hasn't actually tried to verify if the analysis makes complete sense. and if he did research about the project, he'd be ignoring the nuances not mentioned in the analysis that just generalizes the problems to make them seem related.
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Time to add another entry into the list of dates and broken deadlines/promises. Cases greenlit just a few days ago, and now back to red. Wifi issue can be fixed in 2 minutes on each board, now they have to be shipped to Turkey!
Perhaps to speed things up ? One Mweston fixing the issue VS 4-10 notebook repair service workers fixing the issue. ;)
^ Also MWeston won't fly to UK any time soon, thus boards and MWeston are separated and can't work on each other.
ATXGuy said:
Time to add another entry into the list of dates and broken deadlines/promises. Cases greenlit just a few days ago, and now back to red. Wifi issue can be fixed in 2 minutes on each board, now they have to be shipped to Turkey!

I thought that table listed under the "Current Status" section of the OP site was always light-yellow. The others below that are amber. Not red. Unless you're colourblind >.>
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After they made a big deal about how any bloke could do it? How they had a training video and could do it in a lot less than 2 mins? It doesnt add up... why ship the boards, risk them being damaged, lost, numerous amounts of things, not to mention the cost... when they specifically said it was something anybody could do, even their volunteers. Plus, they now have a month or two, before they get the cases back... Craig could fix the boards, if not one of the volunteers. I dont see how shipping them will speed things up, when they have plenty of time before they get the cases. ;)
No, I don't think they ever said the volunteers could do the resistor fix. Even for regular Pandora assembly (before the wifi hardware issue was discovered) they wanted people with prior experience. But MWeston was going to do the resistors himself.

I'm not trying to undermine how anyone feels about today's blog post, but there are some factual errors in your bitching. ;)
The point is that they're going to fix the boards in Turkey while they wait .. another few weeks, or a month .. for the cases to be painted and shipped from China.

This is a huge drag, guys. Not much more to say than that I'm going to go play with my Zii Egg and AI Touchbook and iPad for the next few months, and try to ignore the Pandora for now. Its vapor.

zevdawg said:
ATXGuy said:
Time to add another entry into the list of dates and broken deadlines/promises. Cases greenlit just a few days ago, and now back to red. Wifi issue can be fixed in 2 minutes on each board, now they have to be shipped to Turkey!

I thought that table listed under the "Current Status" section of the OP site was always light-yellow. The others below that are amber. Not red. Unless you're colourblind >.>

No need to get personal guy. Anyways, ive never even looked at that part of the website, surprised anybody has... haha, since the real information comes from the boards, if not Alec's magic website. But, what I meant was... they gave the Chinese factory the greenlight to produce the cases after all the revision BS, and now they are back to a redlight on that production. Not sure if that makes sense.
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ATXGuy said:
After they made a big deal about how any bloke could do it? How they had a training video and could do it in a lot less than 2 mins? It doesnt add up... why ship the boards, risk them being damaged, lost, numerous amounts of things, not to mention the cost... when they specifically said it was something anybody could do, even their volunteers. Plus, they now have a month or two, before they get the cases back... Craig could fix the boards, if not one of the volunteers. I dont see how shipping them will speed things up, when they have plenty of time before they get the cases. ;)

The "Anybody could build it" clause was before CE/FCC testing. IIRC they are required to put copper(?) shielding on certain parts of the case itself(?) to abide by CE/FCC rules or something. If this is true, then for some strange reason I see a lot of people getting lazy and saying "What's this for? I don't need this." *tosses to trash and builds the Pandora without protection, wondering why his cellphone's getting this weird hum out of its speaker everytime his wireless is activated* (worst case scenario, and yes, I have a wireless router that interferes with one of my cheapo cellphones).

Also they have some sort of warranty thingy as well (how considerate of them!), so ie: if a cable breaks the onus is on them to fix, not the end user.

Edit: to your post above: I was being a sarcastic smart-ass. Canadian with Dry sense of humour eh know? :P
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Nintiendo1Spain said:
(Crappy jingle)



Good night, Retrospect mass audience. In today's program we do a compilation of all estimates of time until the final release of the Pandora Project:

November - Dicember 2007: 'Pandora will be an extremely powerful handheld gaming system. It is scheduled to be released in Spring of 2008. '

September 2008: 'They will be shipping before Christmas'

April 2009: 'We're trying to make sure we can build up to the first 500 units in May (at most). The next 3500 should be finished in June. '

June 2009: 'I’m prepared to say July.'

11 august 2009: 'Did somebody say "Let it begin"? '

7 october 2009:
'Almost there. ALL parts (including the nubs) have arrived at the factory! For ALL 4000 Pandoras!'

27 october 2009:
'1. WiFi is working!
Yep, finally, after months of hard work by mostly DJWillis (with help from other devs), WiFi is working!
WEP, WPA, WPA2... including one of the best GUIs, the Network Manager are working fine!' EJEM EJEM


24 november 2009
'Nearly there! '

17 dicember 2009
'You can almost feel it. '

27 january 2010
'their goal is to have the mass-produced cased finished and shipped until the chinese new year!'

24 february 2010
'Chinese New Year holidays are over - work has begun at the factory!'

29 march 2010
'I wish we had never put a bloody wifi chip in the Pandora, it has been nothing but trouble.'


As you can see, kids, every month, near the end of it, is some sort of announcement of the style 'this is almost done. " Coincidence?

Also it is curious that contradict at such issues as:

- 'We will not use low quality components, all will be made in UK and USA'. 'We have just ordered the covers to China! ".
- 'The wifi works perfectly. " 'The wifi does not work! "

Well that's all gambiteros, that you read them and we'll see.

(Jingle that goes fading)

Source: http://www.gp32spain.com/foros/showthread.php?t=72593

This is the best post I've ever seen.

Made in Spain XD

No deals, no milks.
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