"rockbot" - Retro Mega Man-Style Game Engine And Editor

2 months you say...?

Not a lot can happen in just 2 months

Greetz Luri, i cannot offer any help as I cannot code myself, but like the project and look forward to [hopefully] playing it one time on pandora, my kind of classic game
Greetings, Iuri, and welcome.

I'm glad to hear that you hope to have a stable version out by the end of the year - I'll be watching the project with interest.

I'm afraid that I'm not a coder, but I hope to be able to make a game of my own using the level editor and the engine. I'm not sure if that counts as contributing anything (or at least anything useful), though. :lol:


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Sure thing, any help is welcome.

That is why I'm building the editor together with the game, more people building games, more bugs found, more ideas and feature requests, more people fixing small bugs in graphics, sound and code. I just hope I can manage the number of bugs and requestswhen the final 0.1 version is released ;)
Bugs are something I know I can find. :lol: (I even found an odd bug in the firmware of the Sega Saturn, once...)
Do you guys know if the gp2x or gp32 have a kind of emulator?
I have interest to mantain a port (that should be very easy), but I do not own the hardware, thus I need a way to test it on my computer somehow.

I'm going to buy a Dingoo and port to it later this year.
gp2x just runs a flavor of linux, so anything that can be compiled for linux should work fine on it
Iuri Fiedoruk said:
About some points talked about here:
- the game physics are indeed bad, but I did not found any site with information of, for example, how much time a jump lasts, or how much pixels it does change horizontally. So, I did kind of my measures, and in the next beta we'll have a much better jumping with gravity (starts fast, slows down, go fast again when falling). Also, part of the problem is because I've placed *a lot* of printfs in the code, and this I/O slows down things a lot.

- I am very glad you guys could port it so easily. I've designed the code to be very simple, and used C instead of C++ to avoid tricky issues while porting. I want to buy a PSP to port to it also, but you guys just made me wish a GP32X now! :D

There have been some other clones et al, maybe you can ask them for their algorithms. Here's one that claims to be "100% accurate"


I don't know if it's really perfect but I'm sure it can't be awful with a claim like that.

Failing that, one of the original NES games can be reverse engineered. If you want to take this approach I recommend asking for help on RHDN (www.romhacking.net) or NESdev (http://nesdev.parodius.com/bbs/). There's likely going to be at least someone here who is capable of helping you too, but I'm not sure if there'll be any takers.

Iuri Fiedoruk said:
Do you guys know if the gp2x or gp32 have a kind of emulator?
I have interest to mantain a port (that should be very easy), but I do not own the hardware, thus I need a way to test it on my computer somehow.

I'm going to buy a Dingoo and port to it later this year.

gp32 does - check out GeePee32 or the latest MESS WIPs. GP2X unfortunately does not, but you can get pretty standard Linux/SDL code working on it, however there are a few good reasons to hit the hardware yourself.
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Thanks for the infor.
I'll try to port Rockbot to gp32 and maybe gp2x. I'll not buy the hardware because I've got a Dingoo, that is less expensive to me :)