Nss Engine And Game Editor


Still Fresh
Apr 16, 2008
Hi ! I'm Alvaro Martin and I'm a professional developer of video game industry. I'm Lead Programmer.

I'm currently under Game Editor development of my Engine. This engine ( No Siesta Studios Engine ) is under development too but at now is waiting for Game Editor Release Candidate.

My web site is: http://www.alvaromartin.net
No Siesta Studio developers group: http://www.nosiestastudios.com/ (not active yet)
Feudalism: Open Battle: http://feudalism.nosiestastudios.com/ (our first project)

Developer Group and Feudalism are independent game development. My job is other :P.

Currently Feudalism is waiting to Game Editor for to begin focused game development.

I'm thinking about the idea of make a client of my engine for play games developed with the Game Editor. I have 2 demos at now. I have no many hours to do these demos but I believe are so good demos.

My Engine is based on OpenGL 2.0 and Shader Model 3, with GLSL. The demos need fmod.dll but, the current NSS Engine versión use OpenAL.

If you want to see some images of Game Editor look here

Recent Image:
Available Resources Widget

The idea behind of this is to make multiplatform Game Editor and client. Play the game with PC client version and Open Pandora client version with internet connection in the same game.

With the game editor the people will can to make areas, scripts, shaders and others things together at real time with many Game Editors connected. The engine it's optimized for to make adventure or rpg games. There are no implementations for interiors areas like portals and BSP algorithms yet. We will can make shortly games like Neverwinter Nights or Mario 64.

It's a pleasure be here! See you ;)
Outstading! This is what needs Pandora, a free and easy game creation environment :D
Gammenon said:
Outstading! This is what needs Pandora, a free and easy game creation environment :D
Yes! I believe with easy and powerful Game Editor we will can make games easy and with high quality. Step by step I'm completing milestones.

Thanks for reply and interest. Craig say to me in a e-mail to post this in general forum for people give me ideas and feedback.

See you!
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Iorgy77 thanks! I'm hard working for release soon a versión for make powerful games in pandora and PC ( win32, linux and mac ) all gaming in one server.

Wow, it seems the pandora will be full of Engines for Developing, nice. :)

But I would be happy, if there also will be some kind of simple, easy to use Editors straight onto the Pandora, nothing too complex but compatible with the big Editors on the PC. When I have a Idea for graphic 2D or 3D in the night I want to turn my Pandora on and scribble some things straight onto the Handheld...while laying in Bed. :D
Afaik there never was a 3D Editor for direct use on Handheld Devices, would be to cool. :) With these 2D or 3D "scribbles" you can continue onto the PC into the big editor with the big features. ^_^

Just a dream of me. :)
This is more or less like your dream.

The problem here is the performance of Open Pandora with all GUI powerful. And the resolution in Open Pandora screen.

NSS Game Editor haves some windows with fixed size, really, less than the Open Pandora resolution, yet. And other GUI widgets you will need screen spacing for to work well.

We suppose that the GUI is not a problem and we will work with NSS Game Editor in Open Pandora. The big problem here is the memory use with this entire GUI's.

For example, when you try to assign a portrait to any creature, the dialog use too much CPU memory, 100 MB for example. Open Pandora haves 128 MB of CPU memory... we need to + used Engine Viewer memory.

It's not possible to port the NSS Game Editor to Open Pandora. But... exists 2 clients, Game Developer client and Simple Client. In Game Developer client we will have some widgets inside the game like, Creature properties, we will see this in with game's windows styles and more simple interface, like a ComboBox with only 1 portrait image. We won't to see Select Portrait Dialog but, the functionality is the same.

It will be possible to modify for example the terrain in real time too, but this things use too much of internet bandwidth and it only will be possible in developer mode with the tool. Later the developers make a custom package for the people. When I will do it I will think about automatic client update of content limiting bandwidth.

With developer client you will can, add and modify new instances resources like creatures, doors, trees, placeables, objects, encounter, sounds... etc, but never delete or modify the existing base resources. The base resources it is only possible to create and modify in developer mode with Game Editor and in a private internet connection with other developers. Later all changes will be packed and you will must to public in your web site your package like update or new game.
Sounds very, very good!

I have a small idea: a remake of Shadow Dancer (Mega Drive version) using 3D graphics, something like Duke Nukem Manhattan project. Would it be possible to do with your engine?

Thanks in advance :)
Mmm... yes but, you will need to change some scripts things for 2.5D game play, caps camera and key movement. I will think about this when I will need to change some camera things :)

I believe it's no very dificult to optimize engine for this purpose.

Oh, did I completely miss the point, the whole thing is only "online" ? Hm, I thought it was a normal offline "thing" because with my 56K modem, you don't have much fun with the Internet. :lol:

Prompt said:
This is more or less like your dream.

The problem here is the performance of Open Pandora with all GUI powerful. And the resolution in Open Pandora screen.
That's why I just need a "lite" Version of such a programm. Just some basics to "play around", call it Sandbox mode or whatever. I just like to edit and test instant and because I don't have Coding skills, everything must be graphical. :)

Great Editors are the Sauerbraten Editor, the old BUILD Editor from Duke 3D for example. :) I also could need something for 2D Editing, Levels, Tiles, Sprites... Drag-Drop-Run-Test-Reedit etc... ^_^
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fusion_power said:
Oh, did I completely miss the point, the whole thing is only "online" ? Hm, I thought it was a normal offline "thing" because with my 56K modem, you don't have much fun with the Internet. :lol:
Is offline, but it is possible to make the mod or game with other developers.

fusion_power said:
That's why I just need a "lite" Version of such a programm. Just some basics to "play around", call it Sandbox mode or whatever. I just like to edit and test instant and because I don't have Coding skills, everything must be graphical. smile.gif
Maybe, when I have Open Pandora in my hands I will say how many Game Editor Widgets with NSS Pandora Client we can to have :)

Maybe Open Pandora running well swaping memory ;)
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