"rockbot" - Retro Mega Man-Style Game Engine And Editor


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2008
I just found something and figured I'd post about it - we need some more fun threads, right? :p

It's a NES/Wii-style Mega Man-like game engine and level editor, called Rockbot. No prizes for guessing what sort of games it can create. :p That said, apparently a simultaneous two-player feature is also planned, which sounds like it could be a laugh.

The game engine itself apparently uses SDL, and the level editor uses Qt, and the code is open source (licensed under GPL v2).

I hope that this will run on the Pandora (I guess I'll try to compile it once I get mine) - something like this might be a boon for the non-coders among us (such as myself, alas :p), since the level editor doesn't look to be too difficult to understand. Thoughts, anyone?
As a huge Mega Man fan myself it looks promising ;).
I'd like to see it back ported to the WIZ.
Looks really cool. Maybe a bit early in it's life cycle to get really excited, I hope they put more time into tweaking the engine to really stick the Megaman feel (a few things didnt seem authentic just yet in the video). I like the thought of building your own levels and graphics I just hope the editing features are user friendly for those of us that know nothing about coding.
I'd have so much fun if I could make games like that, I'd like to play that one demo in that video
A nice megaman clone featuring OPT surely is on the cards from someone
i'd say this is pretty darn possible, for pretty much anything, got the source, and after a few minutes of deciphering where all the includes/whatever were, it's running on my dingoo...so i'm pretty sure the pandora could handle it XD
Awesome - thankyou very muchly, darfgarf.


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:D you're welcome...it needs work though...i'll get on this when my pandora arrives, if no-one else gets there first, it's very easy to get working
Now I'm curious. :p What sort of work does it need?

second exodous said:
This look awesome, I love these opensource games that have editors.
This. :D
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Prometheus said:
Now I'm curious. :p What sort of work does it need?

well here's what i did to make it run on the dingoo (haven't added proper keybindings yet, and some other fixes or whatever):
mipsel-linux-gcc *.c -o ../bin/rockbot -Wall -lSDL -lSDL_mixer -lSDL_image -lSD_ttf -I/opt/mipsel-linux-uclibc/usr/include -I./include -I. -I../common
(after moving the files for xbox/ps2/whatever out of the directory) :D
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well it's simple, just put it that way...no idea if it will stay that way, and the editor is a seperate program, but it's qt based, so should be easy i reckon, who knows how far this will have gone in 2 months
Awesome, I wonder what entities are possible... Think Mega Man meets Portal....
I've never played any Mega Man Game. (am I missed something? :D )

But this is maybe a way to play these kind of games some day. Would be sureley a nice thing for our Pandora I guess.
I hope they can manage some nice SNES graphics too. NES maybe would be a little bit too retro for my taste. ^^"
They are classics so yes

Go play it here mate

[[link vanished into thin air]]
It look very portable also for a GP2X ...if i have some free time i could try to port it.
Oops my bad I searched up bomberman which is another personal fav, course they well dif, doh ;)
Speaking of Bomberman, I wonder if there are any open source clones with netplay, or such? That might be fun. :p