Rlyeh Has Lost His Suitcase

Jun 16, 2005
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Rlyeh has lost (during an airplane trip to Barcelona) his suitcase containing his laptop with all his emus and his HPL libraries... :eek:

He also states that he hasn't any back-ups.... :(

Hope he has a very good memory, or we'll have to wait a long time until he recodes everything from scratch...

Hope this is only a joke.... :unsure:
If this is true that might be the worst geeknews I've heard this year. So far for Christmas. Most of all for Rlyeh of course, hundreds of hours of work gone, hardware gone(hope he's insured), programmers worst nightmare.
Has to be a joke as no coder writing anything bigger than Hello World would be stupid enough not to have backups. Hard drives fail so often etc these days!
I imagine it's a joke... I just can't believe Rlyeh wouldn't have some kind of backups (even some year old pre-HPL ones or what have you).

On the other hand, if it isn't, woe unto... well everyone, really... and serious condolences to the Man himself.
I imagine it's a joke... I just can't believe Rlyeh wouldn't have some kind of backups (even some year old pre-HPL ones or what have you).

On the other hand, if it isn't, woe unto... well everyone, really... and serious condolences to the Man himself.

men dont backup
btw, the suitcase is back, thankful god =)
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Has to be a joke as no coder writing anything bigger than Hello World would be stupid enough not to have backups. Hard drives fail so often etc these days!

Me is! I code everything on my laptop - but after that news, I just made backups to my desktop pc...

Well, this is all bad news! If it is true... he didn`t post anything on his site...
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Here are some photos of the conference rlyeh has given on the BCNParty (where he returned from).. about the GP2X.
Some interesting shell projected screenshots, mixed with some rlyeh scary photos.

Go to "Conferencia Oankali" folder for conference pics. Or mess up a bit with the photo folders *cough, cough, Enkonsierto, cough, cough* to discover some rlyeh (and company) scary photos.. :lol:

P.S: The photos show the FINAL CONSOLE (the one from Craigx) debugging with the EXT port, so.. will we be able to debug (with any hand-made cable) on the final unit?
Funny, as I always have two backups of most of my stuff... including the gp32x File Archive (and of course, every other hosted pages on the server).
I like Torvalds' approach:
"Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it ;)"

So yah. CVS to your webhost man.
Perhaps stuff like this makes even men start doing backups ;)
In college I rescued many a lost paper from deleted harddrives, corrupted stacked/doublespace compressed harddrives. That is what made me do more backups.
I've got a domain with siteground.com, £25 / year for load of space, my domains and all the backup I need :)
I love the host backup solution. My host gives me 300 gig/month of bandwidth, and I throw stuff up on the server constantly. I have my stuff automatically so long as the computer I'm on has internet. I don't even carry my USB drive with me anymore.
Gp-Engine source was lost due to a HDD crash which is why we never got a version with saves or fixed bugs.

I thought after that devs would have the idea to back up all of their hard work. You are a millisecond away from losing everything if you don't.
With usb drives being so cheap nowadays there really is no excuse for at least having small docs and projects backed up. A usb drive is hardly the best backup solution but it's way better than no backup solution.