

Jul 8, 2010
I dropped off the face of the earth and into the new MMO RIFT yesterday. Anyone else beta testing this game?

Graphically I find it more satisfying than WOW,, but the game-play is stellar. The whole concept is there are these rifts that open up even in noob towns and dump out these invaders. Everyone has to work together to kill them or the town falls. You can take the town back, but it hard work. So anyway I am thinking this game is got huge potential.

I was really impressed with the support too. I found several minor bugs, reported them and a dev actually showed up in game and asked me to take him through the steps so he could see the bug. After about 20 minutes, he appears and says try it again. So I did and they had fixed it that quickly. good solid team for tech support and they are working hard to make this a great game.
Looks interesting, but I think they should link some in-game video footage to their website. I am not impressed with the trailer, I don't like it when they manufacture a cut scene just because they think it looks cool. I want to know what I am playing.
Looks interesting, but I think they should link some in-game video footage to their website. I am not impressed with the trailer, I don't like it when they manufacture a cut scene just because they think it looks cool. I want to know what I am playing.
+1: I hate that. SHOW THE GAME!!!

I've never actually tried a MMO, I'm too scared. I've known people who tried it and I've never seen them again :unsure:
a google search will give you some gameplay videos, looks like any other major game mmo, and plays like one as well from what it seems, though i am no mmo expert and never got into that genre or games, and hated the fact that warcraft went mmo, as i loved that series and have spent massive amounts of hours playing every version of warcraft 3, my question about this rift thing, is it a monthly subscription? dont feel like looking around for correct answer so i might as well ask here
I've never actually tried a MMO, I'm too scared. I've known people who tried it and I've never seen them again :unsure:
I played Runescape for a while when I was younger.

In short, I got tired of the idea that other people could be better than me simply by wasting more of their time playing.

I prefer shooters, where a player's capability is based mostly on skill and after a few days of practice, you don't have to worry about knowledge or leveling up, and you get used to all the maps.

If you know your limits, you won't get addicted to any game, but I might advise against playing multiplayer RPGs, because they are designed so that you have to be waste time to do well, and every time you play you'll just be under-leveled and really bored.
I am the type where I can say, Ok that is enough. I played wow for about 3 years and just got tired of the mechanics of the game. I enjoyed the group stuff but the overall flow was just too tiresome.

Then I moved over to EVE and love that and still play it. You do your own thing or follow story lines or whatever.

But Rift looks like it takes MMO to a new level with everyone on the server having to work together. We shall see.

But I know when to stop. Which is huge for playing an MMO. I know too many who play and their live is over.
Cool. I think I'll try The Mana World.
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I am the type where I can say, Ok that is enough. I played wow for about 3 years and just got tired of the mechanics of the game. I enjoyed the group stuff but the overall flow was just too tiresome.

Then I moved over to EVE and love that and still play it. You do your own thing or follow story lines or whatever.

But Rift looks like it takes MMO to a new level with everyone on the server having to work together. We shall see.

But I know when to stop. Which is huge for playing an MMO. I know too many who play and their live is over.

I play Eve too. I just don't get the appeal to WoW. I've really tried as it would make some of my friends happy but can't get into it.

Eve is fun like old skool games are fun. It's not a fancy easy ride. It's hard, it has a steep learning curve and when you get popped you actually lose something instead of just having to run like a ghost for a couple of minutes and get all your gear back. The rule number one with Eve is: Eve is not fair.

Would be fun to have a Pandora MMO but I think it should be a world where the players also create content in some way otherwise it'll be too big of a project for too little players.

Personally I'd be over the moon if could get a good Heroes of Might and Magic III competition up and running if more are into that. Even HOMM II would do as I really have no idea if the Pandora can handle III.
I signed up for the Rift beta and waited... and waited... and waited and didn't get a key so I unsubscribed from the newsletter and then they sent me a key. TBH that was too late. I'd already moved on to other games.

I'm currently dabbling with Maestia a free to play MMORPG, (EU only at the moment I believe) I've played shedloads of MMO's and this one seems to tick all the right boxes at the moment. Reasonable graphics and sound, interesting gameplay, reasonable story line. The best first mount I've ever seen and an excellent UI and control system. Mind you I've only played for a few days and my opinion could vary if it gets grindy.

At the moment I'm enjoying it way more that the likes of Aika and Soul of the Ultimate Nation to name but two.

It's most innovative feature is you can prey when you finish a quest and you hand in to a deity and get given other quests there and then. It cuts down on the whole traipse back to town every 5 minutes thing.

Check it out.

Maestia Homepage
I've seen a lot of MMO, but none offer a world as good as EQ... I still fail to see why so much people are playing WOW...
I've never actually tried a MMO, I'm too scared. I've known people who tried it and I've never seen them again :unsure:
I'm the same way actually, and then when you see them they're spaced out and all they can talk about is the game and then you never see them for weeks.

It's too bad we can't take these people that play these MMOs for weeks on end and put them in a pod and harvest energy or something off of them. Maybe the fee for playing these games could be blood plasma, while you play the game you're hooked up to a machine that is harvesting something from them.

Yeah, I've seen The Matrix one too many times.
EQ is too hard for todays RPG players, people these days want to be guided at every turn. Heck some of the Chinese MMOs I've played you can hit level 20 odd without ever coming close to dying. Talk about boring...

I played a bit of EQ and EQ2 but WoW was at the time I started a more rounded package. Easier to get into that EQ but still a challenge. That's all changed though. It's been dumbed down so much since I played in the beta. I stopped playing it a couple of years ago because it got so boring.
EQ is too hard asuming you wanna get access to all content and perform high level raid... you can play for fun, explore lots of zone, and basically do something different everyday at a mid/high level, and that is not hard to achieve...

games like WOW are just stupid... everyone is master of their choosen tradeskill (and by the way why being limited in the number of tradeskill you use?) everyone has the max level and almost everyone as played some raids. on the contrary it's almost impossible to have fun at mid level... you're almost leveling alone by just walking... by playing wow, you'll have 2weeks of fun, and after that you'll end in the traditional 5hours of grinding in preparation for the raid and 3hour for the raid itself...
Aaah, EQ, sweet memories... I played it for two years, near the beginning. Then my wife almost left me, I almost lost my job, I had no social life anymore, and basically didn't sleep or eat anymore. So I decided to quit, and to swear to myself I'd never get into a MMO game again. Too bad, it was kind of the ideal game for me. It's really sad that there is a real life next to it :P
I just started a human SK of Bertoxxulous on the new Fippy darkpaw server... it's just great and I'm running for my level 5... never saw that much people on a server... it even beat what was happening 11years ago :) and being locked to the first game without any extension (yet) is simply to great...
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Honestly the only MMO I will probably ever play will be Infinity. Hell, I'd even pay a monthly fee for it, though the creator said he didn't want to go that route from what I remember. Sure, it's only got one developer and has been in production since like 2007, but I'm still waiting.

The Pandora is real! Infinity will be real too, dammit! :(