GP32 USB Griffin Powermate


Jul 15, 2003
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I have a Griffin Powermate, (for those of you that thinks that is the name of a Pokemon ;) I will tell you that it is a small Scrubwheel (Paddle) for the usb port.)
It would be nice to be able to connect this to the GP32 and play Arkanoid and all other analoge paddle games the way they were ment to :D But perhaps it consumes to much power, it has a blue flashing base, but those leds can be turned off..

The device is available at

To get a usb keyboard to work with the GP32, is that "simply" a matter of making a driver or is there some other problem?
about the USB keyboard, yes, the drivers would be a problem, but also, the USB port is NOT powered, it is a very special USB port, and the entire GP32 programming would have to be changed to allow a keyboard (i mean inputing data like that). It is a complicated world out there. :unsure:
oh hey a keyboard would be amazing, is it ever going to happen though? if you can use a keyboard on a gameboy original surely there must be a way of getting one to work on the gp?

Instead of trying to fix up a special keyboard, has anyone who "does" hardware considered creating an adapter? ie. serial or ps/2 to GP32, so you could just plug in a PC keyboard!

That would get a *lot* more support from developers and users than a specially adapted pocket keyboard IMO.
I have been looking into that, but right now I am working on a USB repeater powered by a 9V battery, I hope this will solve the problem with the GP's weak USB port. If I have time i could also look into making a serial interface for the GP. I'm still quite new to the GP32 so I need some schematics and Pin list for the expansion port. Any idea where I might obtain this?
There are some pinouts at the FAQ on

And some more info on Dark Faders page (i think)

yeah, yeah, yeah, look at Darkfader's USB port guide, and his EXT port guide. If you could come up with a keyboard that would be soo cool. Please keep working on it.