Serial Porter
Here is RickyD, a Rick Dangerous Clone that use SDL2.
Speed is fine on GHz pandora, and ok on (overclocked) Rebirth.
This clone has all Rick 1 level + most Rick 2 level.
With Build 04, you now have a C4A compatible version. You need to first create a profile with the Compo4All PND to be abble to submit your scores.
History log
Build 12
Build 05
Build 04
Build 02
Build 01

Speed is fine on GHz pandora, and ok on (overclocked) Rebirth.
This clone has all Rick 1 level + most Rick 2 level.
With Build 04, you now have a C4A compatible version. You need to first create a profile with the Compo4All PND to be abble to submit your scores.
History log
Build 12
- Fixed a crash for first level of Rick2
- Updated Fusilli client from Ziz, with fixed cached upload for large cache
- Updated to latest code.
- Use Fusilli client, with cached score (offline play)
- SDL2 is using glshim now (seems faster)
- Updated to latest code.
- Updated to latest code.
- Compatible with latest SGX Video Drivers
- Updated to latest code.
- Unlocked first level of Rick2
- Use new SDL 2.0.1
- Updated to latest code. There were many update in rick2 levels and there is the chiptune when passing checkpoint!
Build 05
- Updated to latest code. There were many update in rick2 levels.
Build 04
- Now with Compo4All! Use the "RickyD C4A" launcher to have your score (silently) submited to leaderboard.
- Recompiled some parts, should be faster. Also, put an Overclock of 800Mhz in the PXML.
- The Stick is now functionnal. You can make the bat fly, or stun some enemies with it (not the mummy).
- A bug in Level 1 Sublevel 6 has been fixed (it was impossible to exit the sublevel, with moving block and the 2 switches).
- Thanks to the author, Paulo Assis, for all thoses improvements and corrections.
Build 02
- Added XLOCALEPATH export, the PND should runs now.
Build 01
- Initial release.
- Fullscreen is anamorphic, no black stripes.
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