Revolution On The 19th? Theories Inside

hmmm.....ok. so thats y they did say that zelda, mario and metroid were in development for revolution. also theres a final fantasy game and animal crossing along with DK revolution and some others. I agree though that they dont need to be tentative with the revolution. But maybe the reason nothing has been shown or said bout the controller cause its actually not finished.
1 year is a lot of ground to make up but so is 5 months but if u look at some game sites they've been told sony is struggling to get enough dev kits out. But i think that wat ninty are doing is to make sure they launch the console with a decent line up of games.
when you say struggling to get enough dev kits out, that sounds to me like they have more people wanting to develope for it than they anticipated and are short on them and that is a good thing.
I think you guys were missing my main point. If all Sony and Microsoft wanted to do was steal Nintendo's ideas, they wouldn't even have systems developed yet. Nintendo has told us next to nothing, yet the PS3 and X-box 360 are coming along nicely as far as development is concerned... and unless Nintendo's "innovation" isn't as big as they're leading us to believe with all this secrecy, they have no reason to not let us know what's going on now... Sony isn't going to hault the PS3 and start working on a new virtual reality helmet(or WHATEVER the hell Nintendo's really making). So either they're full of shit, have no real innovation(or it's a very small minute thing that doesn't even matter... or even a gimmick, which is highly likely), or they're just paranoid. If their idea is that great, it'll eventually be copied anyway.

There is also the publicity thing. "The XBOX 360 has the following specs:" Not too much discussion potential there. "The PS 3 can process 2 Teraflop/s". OK, great. "The Revolution is great and that video is not made by us. And I'm not giving more information. Also, information we already gave is constantly changing." Now there's discussion potential. I know that when I talk to people around here, they're not interested in how many devkits Sony gave out, they all speculate about the Revolution.

However, if Nintendo does not reveal something truly terrific sooner or later, I fear they will finally be going down on the console market. They either have the best public relations policy ever - or the worst. We'll see if they are "Masters of suspense" (direct quote from a friend) or if they're just trying to get more time to actually come up with something.
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Good points Magus. Anyways I thought this thing was confirmed as fake officially and unofficially!?!

I don't know for sure whether or not it was confirmed fake, but I do know that it IS fake. There's no way in hell that Nintendo would screw up a video that states their own 'accomplishments.' I already mentioned the screwed-up Mario... take a look at the video, and skip to the end.. that is NOT Mario, it's Luigi in a thinner version of Mario's clothing. And I don't know if anybody else noticed, but in the beginning when it goes thru all the systems Nintendo made, it says "1983" for the NES. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I could have sworn that the Famicom was made in 1985 and sent to America as the NES in 1986. Also, if Nintendo made this video, and they wanted it to get out, which would be contradictory to all their secrecy right now, I'd imagine it would be in Japanese, or at least there would be a Japanese version of it first in which the systems listed would be the original Japanese versions of what the rest of the world got.

And speaking of 'innovations' that Nintendo made... Has anybody out there ever seen a PowerGlove ripoff? I know I surely haven't...
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About that mario...he could be like that because thier trying represent you being mario
Good points Magus. Anyways I thought this thing was confirmed as fake officially and unofficially!?!

And I don't know if anybody else noticed, but in the beginning when it goes thru all the systems Nintendo made, it says "1983" for the NES. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I could have sworn that the Famicom was made in 1985 and sent to America as the NES in 1986.

You are wrong!

The Famicon was officially launched on 15th July 1983 in Japan, and in America in 1986.

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Haha. The epic continues.




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Touch screen+helmet+virtualboy=Eyetoy type controller...likes thoses sci fi ships which have projected controls...

Like you control an eyetoy game