Release [REPO] PanMAME - - Update

I could also day that I linked to the documentation and cannot help more. (RTFM)

But that wouldn't really help either.

Edit: by now i accepted that there are people that just to use something without wanting to learn or understand what they are using. Those people will never be able to fix anything themselves as they just don't care as long as something works as expected. But if something doesn't work the world implodes for them and they always have to ask others to solve their problems.

So if you want to learn I will explain in detail, but if you are after an answer that is answered by reading a manual, I decided to rather link to the manual. If you don't understand the manual, ask, but if the problem is that you didn't want to read the whole manual and you just want am answer like: write this there... You will never learn.
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It's not that I don't want to learn.  I'm incapable.

The stuff is WAY too complicated.

I don't understand it, not even a little bit.

Now, in my day I could program the hell out of BASIC and PASCAL, this stuff looks and acts NOTHING like those.  I haven't the first clue what I'm looking at, it might as well be written with a foreign alphabet.
It is not even sourcecode.

Thise are just options in a configfile.

Simply said the syntax is like this:

option parameter

For example if there is an option be true or false, you could have a parameter called true and one that is called false.

So if you want to have it set to true you would do something like this:

option true

And here a real example:

If you want to loop the video for the file the cursor is on, you would have to set

ui_clip singleloop

In the configfile.
But why would I have any idea what to type, or where?

You see what I'm saying?

Maybe it is easy for you.  Some of us are old farts who were not born knowing this stuff.
You know, I linked to the documentation, where everything you can type into the configfile is listed with explainations for every option...

This is really the same than checking a box next to an option or selecting something from a dropdownmenu.

But you seem to see text and think oooh, this must be complicated... I just give up.

If you want to change any option, just give it a try. Make a backup of your advmenu.rc first so nothing can go wrong and start experimenting.

I could make a graphicql menu with every option and nice checkboxes, dropdownmenus etc, but then you would probably complain, that you still didn't know wich option does what and I would link to the same document I linked to before and you would complain again that there are too many options and we would end up in this circle again.

So if you cannot change options in a configfile, I cannot help you. Sorry.
Some of us are just as old as you are, Kumaki (yes, I know how old you are). That doesn't mean that anyone with half a brain and of european descent can't figure out what to do - google is immensely useful, as are places like the linux forums et al.

This really is very, very basic stuff - it's not as if you're being asked to code a cpu emulation core or something.

Checkboxes are a lot simpler.

You can check or uncheck them one at a time, and put it right back if it creates an undesired effect.

And ZX: maybe you don't get intimidated by this stuff.  It terrifies me.

If I can't get a simple step-by-step of what to do, then I don't want to try anything, because I'm afraid I'll mess it up beyond all repair.
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And ZX: maybe you don't get intimidated by this stuff.  It terrifies me.

If I can't get a simple step-by-step of what to do, then I don't want to try anything, because I'm afraid I'll mess it up beyond all repair.
But there's no need... ah, what the hell. Look, you only fear what you don't understand. Bear in mind that you can't fuck things up - you can always reinstall, start again from scratch. Just dive in. Open the config file, find entries that look interesting. Google them - even googling "advmenu <optiontext>" will likely get you an explanation in one of the first couple of pages of results.

Invest a little time, read a little (you'll be surprised how easy that gets after a while) and learn. It's so worth it, you'll wonder why you ever worried about it.

A nice and helpful answer from ZXDunny... I knew the day would come :)

But he is completely right. Nobody is incapable of learning. You just have to give it a try and don't give up if something looks a bit strange at first sight.

Edit: Note how nobody here says something like: You are stupid because you don't get it right the first time. :)
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No need to be so defeatist :)

It really is impossible to do any permanent damage to your pandora without physically ripping holes in it.
Just backup your appdata before experimenting. There is really no chance of messing something up then.
I am honestly not sure if this matters enough to me to start messing around with things I don't really understand.
The things that don't matter are the best ones to practice with.   That way, when it does matter, it will be a lot less frustrating because you'll already know what to do.   There's also another possible upside to messing around with the settings,  there's always a possibility that you'll stumble upon some setting or combination of settings you really like, that you wouldn't have necessarily thought to look for otherwise. :)

- Neelix
I really just rather someone who knows what they are doing mess around, then tell me what works.

I am afraid of this stuff, seriously.

Look, just earlier today something weird happened..PanMAME would not start for me AT ALL.

And the desktop icon name changed to something else.

Then I powered down and re-started, and now PanMAME works again.

It's shit like that that happens, that makes me scared as hell to try messing with anything.

Because I messed with NOTHING and this happened to me!

Like I said, it just plain scares the hell out of me.  Maybe this stuff doesn't intimidate you.  But it does me.  Can you not have a little empathy and realize some people just plain ARE NOT COMFORTABLE mucking around with things they don't understand?
One does wonder why you own a Pandora if you're not willing to learn how to use it. Take me, for instance - before 2011 the sum total of my linux experience was a Slackware install that I dual-booted because I'd heard that was the best distro to use to learn "linux" with.

Utterly terrifying, I have to admit - coming from a Windows environment where everything was point and click, to an environment where every little thing was achieved by editing config files.

However, I do understand that computers don't do anything you've not told them to do - so when things went wrong I figured out what i'd done and why it was wrong. I either then fixed the problem, or re-installed and started over.

If something happens and you get an effect that you're not expecting then it's down to something you did. You might not be able immediately to determine what, but the next time it happens you'll figure it out. Or the time after that.

Thing is, this isn't a Nintendo DS or a Sony PSP - it's a miniature linux computer and if you're going to own one you need to learn how it works, and how the software works. If you don't, you'll spend the rest of your life living in fear of breaking it - when there's really no way you can.
