To me, it seems that there are two issues that are really taking place here. The design of an interface, and the platform of an interface.
In my opinion, the platform (how the interface works) is what is important, which is what I was trying to look at in my earlier
post. What I think would be great is a customizable and flexible interface which can allow any of the designs in this thread to be applied. With a flexible platform, people can design the interface as they want, by putting their images and layouts together.
A platform for an interface which can allow all images
and layouts to be changed in the way allowing for people to put together an interface design as they want it, and release it. Once such a platform is created, the designs will come naturally, just as the skins have for the current menu.
I was thinking a simple standard or language for laying out the interface, taking a similar approach to HTML (
My attempt). There's also the XML approach, or even fully programmable menu's, although that might be harder. I think the primary point here is the freedom and customizability of the interface.
The interface is incredibly important. I mean, take Windows for example. Windows is just an OS, the applications and games are what are important, yet to be able to customize one's system is very important, and very fun and enjoyable. One only has to take a look at sites like
Wincustomize to realise this. Personalizing, customizing can be quite important, but most importantly, enjoyable
Just trying to consider some options, I apologise if this is the wrong approach. I would just love to see a possibility that could allow all these designs to be put into practice, which shouldn't be too hard, rather than trying to find a nice design, which while important, the design is the layer on top - and it would be nice to have a supporting underlayer or foundation to hold it - Imagine seeing the designs offered here all as skins which we could apply, the freedom that would bring
Of course, I could have completely the wrong idea here, in which case I apologise - I tend to be quite good at that