Super Mario All Stars Snes


Jan 4, 2004
Super Mario All Stars


First of all, I would like to say that this game is one of my all time favorites for SNES and because it has so many choices of games considering that is an older one. :) It includes Super Mario Bros. 1, 2, 3 and the Lost Levels. Super Mario All Stars incorporates great remakes of all these classic games and puts them into one easy to use interface. Because I don't have the time to review every game individually, I will give the GUI and the quality of every game a rating.

The Graphical User Interface (GUI)


Graphics: 8/10
The selector graphics are very good, a picture of the box of each game is given and the titles are located below them. Even though these are included the backdrop is left blank, leaving the entire scene a little bland.

Gameplay: 9/10
What is there to say? The game selector is very easy to use and is easy to see.

Sound: 6/10
Although basic, sound is not needed at the begining of the game at the selector as much as at other parts of the game.

The Games


Graphics: 8/10
They represent the graphics quality of traditional Mario games.

Sound: 7/10
You can tell that Nintendo invested much time into developing the sound in these games, although they are rather simply by today's standards.

Gameplay: 9/10
Gameplay is very addictive and with hours of enjoyment in every game, where can you go wrong? :rolleyes:

GP32 Playability: 7/10
While this game can run quite slow at clock speeds below 150 mhz and anything under frame skip 1, running at 156 mhz can allow it to run at almost full speed.

Over all I will award this game with a rating of 8/10 because of the ok GP32 playability, great graphics, gameplay, and sound. :)



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I would like to point out that the graphics are much updated (not to mention the sound) from the original games, making it quite the sweet treat.

This is really a must have for any Mario have, if for the Lost Levels alone, which offer a variety of gameplay enhancers from the original game.

Oh, and there is also a version with Super Mario World included, though this was later in the SNES's life.
Yeah, the version with SMW also had minor changes from the original, like a tall slender Luigi sprite that resembles the one we know today (well now he's a 3D model :P). When a new version of OSnes comes out I'm sure that the playability on the GP32 will deserve at least a 10 :)
Wow, I never noticed that Enslaved. Wasn't he tall and slender in all of them but the original game? Are you talking of just Super Mario Brothers?

Oh, and it is fully playable at 166 correct? I would assume so, but I haven't actually whipped out my copy in years. Not to mention my SNES.
My only complaint about All-Stars is that in Mario 1 you can't jump over the pipes when the flowers are up like in the original NES version, effectively destroying my speed runs :(
Nibblet007 posted on Jul 30 2004 at 04:27 PM said:
My only complaint about All-Stars is that in Mario 1 you can't jump over the pipes when the flowers are up like in the original NES version, effectively destroying my speed runs :(
Can you not? I never noticed that.
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i think that mario 2 (in usa,not mario lost level, the mario 2 in japan) craps.. mario 1 is the best mario forever (with lost levels) On the gbc,super mario dx rox !! with the challenge mode (hard) and the time attak mode with special levels !!! :) mario forever !!! who like mario 2 ? (just a test)
mattmagoo posted on Aug 7 2004 at 06:32 AM said:
I like Mario 2, but not as a mario game
Mario 1 is a better Mario game, but 2 is a excellent platformer if you arent comparing it with Mario

:word: to that! Mario 2 was different and it was the only Mario I can finish over and over and over, with ease. B)
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I have the cart with SMW on it and when I originally got it I played MB 2 once and then avoided like the plague because it was nothing like the other MB games. Once I'd played them all to death though I tried it again and found it was a lot of fun, just very different.

The Lost Levels are evil, excellent but evil. :)
I personally love SM3. I think its one of the best games of all time. In fact, I continue to play it to this day (i think in my 17 years of being alive I must have beaten the game around 20 times through ;) )

certainly a classic cart, and I wouldnt sell any of mu snes stuff EVER. The greatest video game system ever, IMO.

ps: dont have the combo cart with smw, but I have the separate carts
bah! The original versions of the stuff found on the All-Stars cartridge were better. The only thing that sucks is that luigi is a mario clone except for in the 2nd one, but that's not really a big deal. And I don't see the point of trying to play All-Stars on OSNES when you could just play the same games on LittleJohn without a crappy framerate.