Release Thread: Emulators

Use the real nativ RISC OS with full sound, full screen and full performance... but without this... old RiscPC ;-)

ISTR the top two slices of that ten slice RPC were a pizza cooker.  When are you going to add this feature to your RISC OS port? ;)
Hi, if anyone wants to take the copyrighted RISC OS 3.1 ROM image illegally being distributed with ArcEM and set RPCEmu (that I released some two years ago) to use it, you'll find the games run both full screen and with sound.
RPCEmu ... you'll find the games run both full screen and with sound.
That's good to know, I did not know that RPCEmu can run the old games and apps if an older OS is used.

I'll try it out, and if ArcEm is indeed redundant / superfluous, I can get rid of it.

In addition to the games, I'm interested to run Sibelius, which is a lovely piece of software.

I entered dozens of classical violin scores into Sibelius 7 on the Acorn, had a mad scheme to be a public domain music publisher!

"Artist's Edition" I called it.  I probably should buy the PC version too, so I can keep those scores alive.  Binary files, ugh.

edit: RPCEmu can work with RISC OS 3.6, but Zarch does not work.

I tried also with RISC OS 3.1, but it would not boot that OS.

Can you show a config file so RPCEmu will boot RISC OS 3.1, as you suggested it can?
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I mean RPCEmu not run with the same ROM as ARCEM. ARCEM emulate the old ARMs (max. ARM 3, ROM Version max. 3.1(1)). RPCEmu emulate the RiscPC. ARM610 - StrongARM (ROM 3.5... for StronARM min. 3.7... ). I have a Version on my Pandora that runs with the 3.71 und with the 4.39 ROM. The first is free downloadable. I can upload a downgrade with the right old bootsequenz.
Skeezix is working on a cool project, Comp4All. He's hacking MAME with online high scores,

so we can compete for the best scores with other Pandora users! this will be good fun...

Comp4All was to be entered in the dragonbox compo, unfortunately delayed. Anyway, check it out...!

Holy freakin heck yeah yes ugh aaaah ooh oh f*cking, oh man das cool

And so on and so forth