See You Later


La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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Well I've got my GCSEs to do in a few weeks and I have lots of revision to do. The idea is to attempt to ban myself from the computer for a while. I may post rarely from time to time but the idea is for me to basically quit. It's going to be hard work, anyway this is my last night.

Goodbye guys, it's been nice knowing you, see you soon.


PS: Anyone in the same boat or any exams in fact, good luck to you.
good luck!! and thanks for the help that youv given me!!! BYE!!!

Iv got sats this week too, dam i need to revise!!! iv done my science today, all of it, only 2 hours or so, i think i done well, not to sure but i hope i got a level six(im not too smart with science).

and i got math tommorow so i need to revise today.... BAD!!!

a teacher said to me(class) that its only healthy to revise for 20 minutes at a time and 3 times a day. :o cause your brain will jus mostly loose all the information if you do any more.
saintdragon posted on May 3 2005 at 06:02 PM said:
good luck!! and thanks for the help that youv given me!!! BYE!!!

Iv got sats this week too, dam i need to revise!!! iv done my science today, all of it, only 2 hours or so, i think i done well, not to sure but i hope i got a level six(im not too smart with science).

and i got math tommorow so i need to revise today.... BAD!!!

a teacher said to me(class) that its only healthy to revise for 20 minutes at a time and 3 times a day. :o cause your brain will jus mostly loose all the information if you do any more.
Haha, they're advising four hours a day for us.
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will not. Just spending time between allows your brain to establish multiple paths to the same piece of information and stuff. Depends how you are. Lets just say i read 3 hours of my past 4 years science books before the modular test and remembered everybit. Damn im good under pressure. If only i had been drop kicked in the bollocks and sterilized today :(
sam fisher posted on May 3 2005 at 08:08 PM said:
If only i had been drop kicked in the bollocks and sterilized today :(

HAHAHA! Did it Hurt?

See ya kknd. i should be taking the same kinda approach as you...
but im not. good luck

EDIT: Crap! Wrong User Name.
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I have Cambridge's CAE examination in... june I think and I steal nid too do alot ov rivishon off my enlgish grammer.
Segata Sanshiro posted on May 3 2005 at 09:50 PM said:
I have Cambridge's CAE examination in... june I think and I steal nid too do alot ov rivishon off my enlgish grammer.


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nope Plymouth for me, unless i get BBB in which case it's Warwick

altho i already have DDD, which emans i gotta get 120/210 for business and gfx and 120/180 for Maths

so i may actualy suceed in getting into Warwick
I have A Level Exams in 4 weeks or something... I know Im gonna fail maths so I cant be bothered even trying to revise for it again :P... last Maths Exam I did I got 4 out of 100 :) hehe
A good revision technique I found when I was doing my degree was music association. E.g. you associate a piece of music or a sound to a point, saying, statement or algorithm. This way helped me get my 2:1 :D

Its funny because even now when I listen to The Doors - all my economic revision comes back (2 YEARS later and I hate economics!)

Other stuff I listened to that worked when studying:

Pink Floyd / The Police - Corporate Strategy
Smashing Pumpkins - The Information Society
Future Sound of London - Artificial Intelligence
Radiohead - Management of Innovation
Crystal Method / Underworld - Dissertation (plus lots of beer + smoke)
I have my GCSEs in two weeks, I haven't revised for a minute yet, and don't intend to until the day before the exams.
I am such a lazy bastard.
mr twit posted on May 5 2005 at 05:48 PM said:
I have my GCSEs in two weeks, I haven't revised for a minute yet, and don't intend to until the day before the exams.
I am such a lazy bastard.
I'm the same (sentence two).
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