Release [Rebirth Compo] Fall to win


Jul 7, 2011
hi open scene people :)

i'm Zip admin of forum (italian community for wiz caanoo pandora dingoo and newer android based console)

i want to show my entries for rebirth compo :)

fall to win!


its a simple game coded in BennuGD,

the gameplay is something like "epic freefall" +"icy tower" reverse concept

the current version of game (0.023) its a pure alpha..

i hope to present a beta version 0.500 for compo (not fully completed developed but playable)

the credits of the game go to:

Me (zip) for graph ( used)

Me (zip) for code

gigios e RZZ some help whit coding

farox for future port on pandora :)

if someone want to colaborate whit me i will be placed :)

i attach latest version

please share whit me your impression/suggestion

(sorry for poor english :P )


i add the 0.054v of the game compiled for windows


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Just to check; the attached zip isn't a pandora-version, right? The rules only allow releases for other platforms before the deadline.
This could be something fun with a bit more work. I like that you can shoot different elements, but none of them seem to do anything right now! So it's just falling and dodging things, and there are too many things to dodge too early on. I'd like to see less platforms and more shooting, maybe even the occasional moving enemy. And some sound of course! I hope you continue with it. :)

Oh, I couldn't figure out how to quit either. I ended up killing the process. Mapping this to Q or Esc would be fine.
the controls are

DPAD- for movements

L Shot fire

R Shot Water

B Shot ice

X Squat Up

p Pause the game (during pause pressing ESC quit the game).

Yes this game need to be finished.... :)
hi gruso you still have problem now to play with FTW?

the key map work?

the game need sound i know :/ and it's just 0.054 :D

i'll implement more in next future like bonus, alternative char etc :)

thank you for playing

@All dont own a pandora i'v uploaded a windows version of the game in first post!

suggest from everyone are very welcome
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I had all the controls figured out except 'P' -and I had pressed every button! Turns out P does not register very well - I have to mash it repeatedly and it is only recognised now and then. Esc to exit should also work from the home screen :)

What I meant in my first post is that I can fire lots of things, but I don't see them having much effect in the game. The ice freezes platforms but I don't know why. It still hurts just as much when I hit a frozen platform. :P So my suggestions are:

  • Make the platforms much smaller to start with, maybe 1/3 the size. Increase the size slowly as the game goes on.
  • Only make one element available at the start. Make sure its function is clear to the user, and that it has a noticeable, positive effect when used. (Even better, start off with no firepower at all. Just dodging and squatting).
  • Introduce the other elements one by one as the game goes on (I suggest at least 30 seconds apart). Again, make sure their purpose is clear. For example, when a new element is acquired, introduce a new kind of platform or enemy that can be destroyed by it.

I like the squat function and rotating wooden platforms, little things like that add depth to the gameplay. :)

This would be my ideal mapping:

B: Element 1

X: Element 2

A: Element 3

L/R: Squat
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What I meant in my first post is that I can fire lots of things, but I don't see them having much effect in the game. The ice freezes platforms but I don't know why. It still hurts just as much when I hit a frozen platform. :P


If you squat after you freeze a platform you can break through it.

What I meant in my first post is that I can fire lots of things, but I don't see them having much effect in the game. The ice freezes platforms but I don't know why. It still hurts just as much when I hit a frozen platform. :P


If you squat after you freeze a platform you can break through it.

yep! it's all written in readme file

for control map i'll implement a customizable control sistem in option menu

ah, try to press P quickly dont hold
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