Release [Rebirth Comp] Ballion


Feb 28, 2008
Sydney, Australia

There doesn't seem to be a thread for this, and I'd already written my thoughts on the entry, so I'm starting one on behalf of Juergen Urban.

I'm a sucker for Arkanoid, so I was very happy to launch this and realise what type of game it was. (No, I didn't even read the description first). I'm only 4 or 5 levels in, and I can see this getting very devious. :D Figuring out the blue blocks and skulls level, although not too cryptic, was a very rewarding moment. Those little gaming moments are always golden. This game looks like it'll require a good mixture of dexterity and puzzle solving. Cool tunes too.

Suggestions (perhaps these could be special play modes):

- Faster ball speed. Repeated playthroughs will feel a bit slow in the early stages otherwise.

- Arkanoid-like bounce angles. This would be stupidly hard, I think, but fun.
i also suggest being able to move ball faster/slower(maybe) with up/down on dpad
Cool game! Key assignment + menu feel Pandora native!

Inquiry: Remember music on/off setting for next program start!
I am the developer of the game. The first version for the Pandora was running with SDL and was very slow at full screen. I tried to optimize it and I tried the optimized SDL, but SDL is unusable at this point. Then I ported it to OpenGL and it was fast as you can see. I can't make it faster, because OpenGL can't switch faster the screen. This also doesn't run faster on a high end computer. The game was designed to move the ball one pixel and not two. Anything else currently breaks the gameplay and makes it unplayable. I can only drop frames to get it faster.

Saving the music state makes sense.

Currently I don't have the time to optimize it, compared to other stuff it runs really stable and it seems that I will not get under the first 7.
Would you mind to make it opensource software then, so maybe someone else can fix that? I really like the idea of the game, but the slow ball kills a lot of potential fun.

But nice game anyway, thanks for your work. :)
I decided for GPLv2 and uploaded the source code here:

Later I will try to improve the game and I want also to port it to further game consoles.

Earlier or later I want to release a level editor which is running in RISC OS.