Real Gp2x Photo (ooooh Noooo - Volume Control)

Magus 86 posted on Sep 22 2005 at 05:38 AM said:
Um... Would it really kill you to just play the veritcal screened mame games the regular way on the GP2X? Sure, the screen might not be quite as big(it'll be like widescreen, except reversed), but it's still playable, and you have plenty of buttons to work with then. Plus, it looks to me as though the joystick would be kind of awkward to use when holding it on its side anyhow.

And as far as the volume thing is concerned, I too proposed that change to GPH. And I didn't flame you at all, but I did tell you to just calm down, wait, and see what unfolds(not cuz of the volume thing but the constant bitching about how the GPX2 was gonna be a disaster). I don't really care about the vertical mame thing, but a dial would just have been much more convenient. And they could have given us some extra buttons too. The volume would be out of the way, and there would be a lot of extra space on whichever side they didn't have start and select on.

admitedly its been said too much, but I do agree with him. If I had a bit of paper, and had to correct everything I thought I wanted improved on the GP32 I couldn't of asked for more. But To lose the jog dial, something that I IMO they got right on the GP32. Two general purpose buttons with +/- on them would have been a better choice If forgoing the jog-dial becuase at lease they could be used for something else(not just mame btw). But suggestions for that kind of change sound expensive late in the process. Although with the caseless GP2X we have seen, this might not be true.
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At first HELLO everybody as I am new to this forums :)

I think the photo is real, take a closer look to it and you can see the hand of the person with the camera who took the shot (though it could be done in Photoshop but hey I think they do not bother doing all of this).
Sphinx posted on Sep 22 2005 at 09:14 AM said:
At first HELLO everybody as I am new to this forums :)

I think the photo is real, take a closer look to it and you can see the hand of the person with the camera who took the shot (though it could be done in Photoshop but hey I think they do not bother doing all of this).
And i think your right :D
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Well, take a picture of unpowered unit, and slap a 90% transparent picture of the OS on top of it, and you might get something like that.

Other explanation is, that GPH have actually decided to use 640x480, and are keeping it a secret. That's how you'd get the surprisingly clear picture...


But I wouldn't be surprised, if someone starts manufacturing a replacement button thing for it, with two separate buttons for volume. :)
Magus 86 posted on Sep 22 2005 at 05:38 AM said:
Um... Would it really kill you to just play the veritcal screened mame games the regular way on the GP2X? Sure, the screen might not be quite as big(it'll be like widescreen, except reversed), but it's still playable, and you have plenty of buttons to work with then. Plus, it looks to me as though the joystick would be kind of awkward to use when holding it on its side anyhow.

When you play some of the games as you suggest part of the screen is cut off. Sometimes you can't se your ship etc.

The joystick was fine in vertical mode on the GP32 and this looks similar.
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part of the screen is cut off, even if you do a veritcal letterbox instead of a horizontal one? isn't that the whole point of letterbox(that's what i meant by widescreen, the black bars, except on the sides instead of on the top and bottom)? I think you mistunderstood me a bit.
x68000 posted on Sep 22 2005 at 12:00 AM said:
PSyMastR posted on Sep 22 2005 at 12:50 AM said:
Whats wrong with just using it the way you are supposed to hold it... nvm...
many mame games are played on a vertical screen, not a horizontal one.

Am I the only person who would even consider mapping the ABXY buttons to directions and using start and select as action buttons? Sure its a little odd, but I don't see how it'd be that different from one of Ninty's 4 button crosspads, really.

Only thing is you'd end up with action buttons on the left and direction in the right, which is of course reversed, but its still a plausible option, isn't it?
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Tobriand posted on Sep 22 2005 at 10:58 PM said:
x68000 posted on Sep 22 2005 at 12:00 AM said:
PSyMastR posted on Sep 22 2005 at 12:50 AM said:
Whats wrong with just using it the way you are supposed to hold it... nvm...
many mame games are played on a vertical screen, not a horizontal one.

Am I the only person who would even consider mapping the ABXY buttons to directions and using start and select as action buttons? Sure its a little odd, but I don't see how it'd be that different from one of Ninty's 4 button crosspads, really.

Only thing is you'd end up with action buttons on the left and direction in the right, which is of course reversed, but its still a plausible option, isn't it?
Actually, this sounds like a really good solution.
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Tobriand posted on Sep 22 2005 at 10:58 PM said:
x68000 posted on Sep 22 2005 at 12:00 AM said:
PSyMastR posted on Sep 22 2005 at 12:50 AM said:
Whats wrong with just using it the way you are supposed to hold it... nvm...
many mame games are played on a vertical screen, not a horizontal one.

Am I the only person who would even consider mapping the ABXY buttons to directions and using start and select as action buttons? Sure its a little odd, but I don't see how it'd be that different from one of Ninty's 4 button crosspads, really.

Only thing is you'd end up with action buttons on the left and direction in the right, which is of course reversed, but its still a plausible option, isn't it?

I suggested that maybe a month ago or so when DaveC started his vertical MAME game rant. :) It would work just fine.
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Prophet posted on Sep 23 2005 at 02:00 AM said:
I suggested that maybe a month ago or so when DaveC started his vertical MAME game rant. :) It would work just fine.

I don't think that would work very well though as the buttons are not connected. I couldn't imagine playing Ms pac-man style games that way. It would kind of be like the d-pad on the PSP only worse. It would be very hard to hit diagonals like in shooters , and forget fighting games as well like that.
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LasT I checked there werent too many vertical screen fighting games. A simple game like pacman I don't think would be so bad.

I also suggested "both the holding the action button on top" and "action buttons as directions" but I think the point is there are ways around it.
Pacman has no fire button. If the volume button can infact be remapped to work in games I don't really see the big deal, the gp32 has only one button there anyway. From the pic it also looks like the volume buttons may curve up on each side so this should give some positive feel for which button you are pressing.
yeah this is the white, preproduction version. It's likely it wasnt changed on this but still there's only so much room for ports and stuff so if it hasnt been changed on the regular version it's just something we'll have to get used to.
Hum, I dont want to throw salt in anybodys eyes, but if you look at the SoC specs you see the soundchip is some ac97 codec thingy which WILL have digital volume controll whereas the gp32 audio out was dac + analog amplifier. So digital volume is mainly a side effect of the new design. Does anybody think someone is that strange to put analog wheels to adc port and then programs ac97 registers with it ?

What is bugging me more is the "big" battery embossment and what nice chip features are put to the exp. port...

For me, a microphone in the gp would have been a whish... so what, you cant get 100% of what you want from a mass-product.
And, i preorder one volume-button-replacement here now ;)
