Re-order Emails Going Out Now

Has anyone outside of Europe or America gotten a refund email yet? I'm from Australia and I have been checking my email each morning, but I haven't gotten one yet. It seems like either Australians are at the end of the list (and the earth :lol:) or hopefully my payment may have been successfully processed.

I'm not asking to piss anyone off or have a whinge, I'm just curious because I ordered in the first hour or so of preorders opening on GBAX. I actually ordered like half an hour before the preorder email arrived in my inbox :D

I know that heaps of people are asking about the refund emails and stuff, sorry to be a pain. Any helpful reply would be greatly appreciated.
Well, I got fed up with the uncertainty and emailed the UK store that I ordered from asking whether I'd need to reorder or whether my order was "safe". I ordered using a credit card in the UK and got a receipt from Protx

I got a response within an hour saying that I would be refunded. So that suggests that UK refunds are not yet sorted out.

I am starting to share poobic's view on this...
sold said:
Has anyone outside of Europe or America gotten a refund email yet? I'm from Australia and I have been checking my email each morning, but I haven't gotten one yet. It seems like either Australians are at the end of the list (and the earth :lol:) or hopefully my payment may have been successfully processed.

I'm not asking to piss anyone off or have a whinge, I'm just curious because I ordered in the first hour or so of preorders opening on GBAX. I actually ordered like half an hour before the preorder email arrived in my inbox :D

I know that heaps of people are asking about the refund emails and stuff, sorry to be a pain. Any helpful reply would be greatly appreciated.
Considering that I don't think anyone from America has even gotten a refund e-mail yet, I think you have a long time to wait until you can believe yourself in the clear.

-God Ginrai
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It's too early to tell. I haven't got the email yet either, but from what I understand we're far from in the clear yet.
if you haven't contacted openpandora team yourself yet by email, i would advise you since that was the way i found out that i needed to re-order

peelie said:
if you haven't contacted openpandora team yourself yet by email, i would advise you since that was the way i found out that i needed to re-order

Doesn't seem like a good idea. If they're already so busy trying to get it done, if everyone starts emailing them asking about the status of their order won't it just clog the pipes even more as they then have to start replying to all those emails?

Maybe I'm wrong though.
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People shouldn't consider themselves safe until the notice that all emails have gone out. My initial order went through only a couple of minutes after the system went live. I didn't receive the email for quite some time after they'd started going out so had started to assume mine had been one of those to go through ok.
I'm in the UK, yes.

If you want to know if you're affected, drop them a mail. It seems a lot better than pointless speculation on here. Quite why the team doesn't drop an automated mail to everyone who has ordered saying whether or not they're affected is beyond me. All people want to know is what's going on.
If you want to know if you're affected, leave them alone and let them do their job, because they might simply have not gotten to your order yet and harassing them to ask if you're affected will only slow them down.
Wait until the all clear has gone out, and if you still haven't gotten an email and really don't trust your mail system, THEN email them.
Seriously, I really don't understand all this kneejerk reaction that's going on. It will make no difference whether you know now or in 3 days as to whether you're affected or not. Patience already!
chiark said:
If you want to know if you're affected, drop them a mail. It seems a lot better than pointless speculation on here. Quite why the team doesn't drop an automated mail to everyone who has ordered saying whether or not they're affected is beyond me. All people want to know is what's going on.
Please don't. The reason it is being done this way is because this is the best we can do with limited manpower. It's not like there's a pair of big buttons somewhere that say "Send mail to Refundees" and "Send mail to non-refundees". Everything is getting sorted by hand. If you start sending additional emails it's just going to slow it down for everybody.

Please read the rest of this thread, along with this one and this one. I've made it very clear why we're doing what we're doing.
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WizardStan said:
If you want to know if you're affected, leave them alone and let them do their job, because they might simply have not gotten to your order yet and harassing them to ask if you're affected will only slow them down.
This has pretty much been my stance all along. Am I affected? I don't know! And while I do care, worrying about it now doesn't help much.

So here's my plan:

1. Wait.
2. If I get an email, proceed as indicated by the email.
3. If not, then continue waiting until all emails have gone out.
4. If by then I have not gotten one, then send an email asking whether or not I am affected.
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sold said:
@ chiark and peelie, Are you guys from the UK?

hi i think i am considered as European for order purposes

re contacting by email i did wait for 4/5 days before contacting team, they still have to set up re-order link so that means waiting for another email i assume...
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peelie said:
sold said:
@ chiark and peelie, Are you guys from the UK?

hi i think i am considered as European for order purposes

re contacting by email i did wait for 4/5 days before contacting team, they still have to set up re-order link so that means waiting for another email i assume...

So... what you get is comfort of mind, I guess. And the cost is taking time away from them actually processing the refunds and constructing the re-order e-mails.
I'm not being critical, I certainly understand why you e-mailed them, I just want to make it clear to those who decide to take you up on your recommendation that all that will result from this approach is slowing up the actual refund and re-order emails. Unless you have a legitimate reason to know NOW (and I can't think of any such scenario myself), instead of by the 14th, it would be in everyones best interest just to wait.
If you are worried about spam filters etc... You can wait and send the verification e-mail until after the all-clear.
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ingrin said:
So... what you get is comfort of mind, I guess. And the cost is taking time away from them actually processing the refunds and constructing the re-order e-mails.
Lets be honest, everybody wants "comfort of mind".

They way this is being handled is do darn nonprofessional... And i have seen some serious unprofessional projects before, but its even starting to get to me...

They are going to need the members data ( email, address etc ), so if there is any sens, the will get all that data from the banks order system. Even if they did it manually, record by record. On a day, you will have a nice excel file with all the people who order, there address, mail etc...

Now all that needs to be done, is make up a nice email informing those people who are effected about there status. A days work...

O yea, the refund by location is in contrast to any logic. If the orders are recorded in the bank system, that means they are recorded chronologically. In other words, now they are wasting time to first sort everybody by region, and then mail them? How? Are they looking at every record, o a UK person. Refund, next 20 record, o again, a UK person. Refund. I mean... That alone makes thing more complicated, because when they are past the UK, Switzerland, Frans... O wait, now the Greek customers who order here. Wait, what country's did we already do? Looks up list every time?

I know, that sounds silly, but based on the amount of information we get, and how its handled, thats how things look. A big wast of time how its handled...

But no, now we have people panicking all over the place, because nobody knows whats going on.

And don't come off with the "if you don't like it, cancel" attitude, what seems to be used way to many times to people who justify complain.

And to be honest, what the fuck is wrong with the bank in the first place. I'm getting tired of hearing about how they have bank problems, but we don't know anything. Explaining that alone might help put people at easy. And the "but they can't tell because of legal reasons" is bs. Unless Craigex states that he / she has a lawyer actively looking at the case, there is no legal of whatever reason to keep people in the dark about it.

O Chip, in regards to your statement that it always has been the end of the month November for the shipping, no, it aint. Most of the talk was mid month November. But as always, any changes and information are buried deep in half a dozen of threads.

And a last point. I know some people here seem to be "all is perfect", "setbacks are expected" and all that. But, a bank issue is not a setback, its a major problem. Same with the LCD's. If there are 640 LCD's a few weeks ago, whats holding up the production? There where able to produce a first batch of 500 LCD's if needed. Hell, it might even be better, because heaven forbids, if something goes wrong there, they don't end up with another 3800 busted.

Hell, just the response that even ED did not have a version2 board a few days ago is rather odd...

And yea, i know, i'm already expecting my share of responses to this, how i'm being silly, and other responses. But after a month & half with only one highlight ( the upgrade ), and for the rest some sporadic info ( paypal, bank, lcd's, case not even made, etc ) how things are going bunkers with only a few scraps off info to back it up. What do you expect...

And but "if you mail them, it will slow things down" is just bs. If they did a proper communication job in the first time, they don't have to deal with people panicking and mailing / calling them... They have a website, a blog, the newsletter, o my, how actively this is updated with the stats of the project, the tech detail. *sigh* One's in the blue moon. Hell, the last newsitem is a month & a week old... jikes...

You know, i have a customer here, they also wanted peace of mind. They asked to be informed of the progress on there program development. You know what, every week i send out a email detailing the changes made. Takes 10min max. Customer is happy, and informed. That same customer was also a customer in the company i used to work for ( before going freelance ). We had daily panic or angry mails from them ( and other customers ), because the bosses did not see "keeping the customers informed" as a priority ( hell, they even did not want it ).

I'm betting now, that some people will already be going on "don't use personal experiences, because its not to the point". Yes it is.

As long as this unprofessional way of working is going to continue, they are just going to end up with more work because of it, take it form somebody who experienced it in person. And the community here need to lean NOT to blaim the people who panic, because of this way of working! And no, i did not mail about my status. But i'm getting bloody tempted, because how can they expect to ship people start of December ( in the order they ordered *lol* ), if half the people are in needs of refund, and repayment... Thats a lot of money stuck in limbo, money that can't be used to order parts, and pay manufacturing.

Thats my weekly rant... Have fun with it.
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mechanizeddeath said:
WizardStan said:
If you want to know if you're affected, leave them alone and let them do their job, because they might simply have not gotten to your order yet and harassing them to ask if you're affected will only slow them down.
This has pretty much been my stance all along. Am I affected? I don't know! And while I do care, worrying about it now doesn't help much.

So here's my plan:

1. Wait.
2. If I get an email, proceed as indicated by the email.
3. If not, then continue waiting until all emails have gone out.
4. If by then I have not gotten one, then send an email asking whether or not I am affected.

...and this should be EVERYONE'S plan. Really, guys, I'm just as worried about my order as you all are, but this is a situation where you just have to be patient. There's a lot of orders to go through, we really should just be shutting our traps and letting the crew deal with the problem at hand. We can return to our ritualistic flogging afterward. :lol:
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As they are checking the payments and doing the refunds by hand, I think it would be useful to make a list of the orders that are being refunded and, when all refunds are done, SEND an automatic mail to all people that are NOT affected (as you have a list of affected ones, it shouldn't be difficult) by the change of banks saying all is OK.

That way, all of us will clear our minds, and only the few that haven't received a mail (because of a SPAM filter or whatever could happen) will have contact the team.

That should save a lot of time to them.
Benjiro said:
ingrin said:
So... what you get is comfort of mind, I guess. And the cost is taking time away from them actually processing the refunds and constructing the re-order e-mails.

Thats my weekly rant... Have fun with it.

The way they are handling the situation may not be to your liking but it is being handled. Not everybody does things the same way. The way you handle your business may work for you but it does not work for everyone. Even if more info was posted. Even if they replied to all email inquiries. It doesn't stop people from panicking and posting all these threads. You can't please everyone.
EDIT: Please don't quote two pages of text for a three line reply - Chip
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Sorry to butt in here, but I got an email last week saying my money has been refunded, and that I need to repay for the Pandora. I sent an email back, asking how I should proceed with payment. But I have yet to hear back from anyone. I don't know what to do next, email again? try and phone them?

May I ask anyone who has repaid successfully, how they went about it? Did you have to repay at Craig's shop?

Any help would be appreciated :D