Rainy Day - Game Project

Liking it very much. How far through do you think you are?

Thanks :)

Still got a lot to do, the game we are going to submit to the compo will just be a one level demo. This is what still need:

- The level. Archibald made a bunch of tiles that he can use to put these together. We only need a design for the level

which I will be making.

- The HUD. There is a design, just needs some code and finished graphics.

- Items + placement. Going to work on this right now. Item placement will be read from an external level file. need some more

graphics and a "pling" effect when you take it.

- Monsters and a Boss. Haven't started on these yet, but the idea is there :)

- Some more graphical effects for like when you hit a monster,...

- Intro images. A few images with text to tell the story.

- An ending. Credits?

- More stuff I don't know of yet :P

So still a lot to do :)

Also, Archibald said he made the Title screen graphics, will get them tomorrow :D
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Just uploaded the video to youtube (if this video doesn't work then it means it has been deleted and better footage is available)
looks promising :)

Would be great to see that lightning which made the thunder :)

Yeah was thinking about adding random lightning flashes or maybe even an overlay for lightning "inside" the clouds in the distance/background :)

Welcome to the forums by the way :D
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Time for a small graphical update :D

Archibald made the title screen including a rainy day logo!


He also made the animation for attacking in the air (which I will be programming this evening) and with that I think all hero graphics are done :)
@Caine: Thanks :D

Just wanted to say I've got 2 days off from work :) (today and tomorrow) so a lot of time to work on Rainy Day :D

I think I'll be making another video this weekend including intro splash screen, title screen working HUD (lifes, health, score) collectable items and maybe even a monster to fight (don't think this will be done yet but who knows).
Thanks guys :D

New splash screens:



The Astolat Creations one could still change, in my opinion it looks to "simple" compared to the Penjin logo. What do you guys think?
WHOA! Beautiful and clean! Slick too! Can't wait to hear the splash screen music or sound effects. :D

Thanks :D the Astolat Creations Screen will have a jingle, and some animation too (to make it stand out more compared to the two others that follow :)