Rainy Day - Game Project

We will be focusing on the Pandora and it's 800x480 resolution... I think it would be stupid to stick to something like 320x240 just to make it work on other devices. Ofcourse I will see how it looks when I scale it down and if it still looks okay there could be a version for a few other handhelds (GP2X, Wiz?) Just depends on what Penjin can compile for :)
Hey guys, as the artist on Rainy Day project, I thought I'd just chime in with some of you regarding the free spirit of this "competition". Personally I don't even see it as a competition, I'm just doing art for the fun of it. :) Plus, while this game will be primarely created for the pandora, I don't see why we couldn't create a scaled down version for 320x240 consoles. I just ordered myself a Caanoo to tinker with, and it be a shame if I couldn't run the game I helped creating on it, now would it? :)

Thanks for all of the kind feedback on the project thus far, and hopefully I'll have some more stuff from the art side soon. :)
Thanks guys :D And for those who think they're screwed: remember a game is not only about graphics, it's also about gameplay and the fun factor :) so don't feel screwed, keep on working on your games and start a topic too, I really want to see what everyone is working on :D
Your Ring-of-Warning glows. You have successfully avoided the trap. :P

Must also say that art work was ... art!
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It's update time, yeey :D

I'll start with our team logo. From now on we (Dragons_Slayer and Archibald) will be known as:


near-final logo by Archibald

He also did a test for the Hero's walkcycle and a level-part (don't comment on the "blackness", it's just a test ;) ).



The levels will consist of several parts, and each part consists of one big image (for each layer) (so it's not tile based). Got the level part switching code done so when you reach the end of the map the screen fades to black (new images are loaded and hero position is changed) and it fades in again :) As soon we have some more final graphics I will make a video, till then :)
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Hey guys, as the artist on Rainy Day project, I thought I'd just chime in with some of you regarding the free spirit of this "competition". Personally I don't even see it as a competition, I'm just doing art for the fun of it. :) Plus, while this game will be primarely created for the pandora, I don't see why we couldn't create a scaled down version for 320x240 consoles. I just ordered myself a Caanoo to tinker with, and it be a shame if I couldn't run the game I helped creating on it, now would it? :)


Thanks for all of the kind feedback on the project thus far, and hopefully I'll have some more stuff from the art side soon. :)
You're an awesome artist! I love your work, mate :wub:
It's monday again so time for an update :D (no new graphics (yet)... sorry :( )

In terms of programming I reworked the levelpart changing code so now all data is read from an external txt file. I also added Vertical scolling (finally) :D Now going to program collectables and a way to manage them.

I'm also considering upgrading my Pandora order to premium. I'm still not sure if it's worth the extra 110€ but I really want to be able to test my game!

Stay tuned! :)
It's Monday, so it's update time (graphics this time)!

I'm only going to show you a few level pieces Archibald has made:


He did a lot more during the past week(s) but I'll show that later this week, perhaps in the form of a video ^_^

Stay tuned!
I think they're bricks, bro.

I think he means tiles as in pieces of a tileset :)

Thanks for all the nice comments by the way :D

I will be receiving my Pandora soon (Premium) and already set up a linux environment for compiling so as soon as I have it I can finally do testing and assure that it runs well :)
As promised a video :D (sorry for the "bad" quality, still haven't found a good program to do sceen video capturing...)


As you can see, the hero graphics are all there (except for attacking while in the air). The level is still a test and there's only one part at the moment (that's why when he left the screen at the right he came back in the same place). That floating sun will be a score pickup (working on that now).