This is an incredibly bad mockup (it's 4am and there's no photoshop on this computer, just copy/pasted stuff in paint), but how about trying something like this?
The ribbon would come out of the logo and fold down over the edge of the box, then end up straightening out horizontally, with the word "Pandora" above it. It would probably look less empty than the one I cut stuff from, and it would also give the full "Open Pandora" text, if only subtly.
That's a good idea. I might start moving in that direction.
Also, that image totally made my day. Thank you! 'A' for wicked late night effort.
Yeah, about all the cute stuff... I am not sure how I got caught up in that digression. It's starting to get away from the point of the Pandora. This will be remedied ... I promise :lol: