Question About Gigas


NazcaBeer Spokesman
Feb 9, 2004
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hey guys,
I just got my GP32 a couple of days ago
and was wondering how well gigas would work
for a game idea i've had for a while thats like a mix between
zelda and harvest moon. Almost like Survival Kids
for GBC if you've ever played it.
Anyway I've just had the Idea for a while
and was wondering how complete gigas is.
is it suitible enough to make a small game like this?

sorry but I couldn't find any web pages with info on it ;)
I know what Zelda is, but I don't know what's different about Harvest Moon (haven't played it). But I'm making an RPG in Gigas (laugh all you want people, it'll happen). Gigas could do a zelda game nicely (would be much easier than what I'm doing, should of thought of that :) ) But there still are some features missing (special commands, sound and sound fx).
I guess the best way to describe Harvest Moon
is it's like animal crossing but on a farm and
the animals don't talk, the people in the town do :D

my game will be kinda a mix between a zelda
game (that type of battle system and dungeons ect.)
but not quite as indepth as i'll probably only have a few items
you can attack with and no magic and i'll throw in
some of the life simulation-like elements of harvest
moon such as owning a home and maybe getting
married if possible(i'll at least throw it into the story somewhere)

just don't expect anything good out of this. i'll be doing it as a
small game to learn gigas and if I get into it i'll make it better.
The things that you'd need to find workarounds for would be items, mostly, since there aren't any yet - and of course, shops. Both of which are doable, certainly - i.e. you have a tile with a treasurechest on it, set as a hotspot. When you walk up to it, it changes a variable - like when you get a key. I'm fairly sure you can then use some conditionals on other hotspots to only activate when a variable is at a given number.

So story objects are easy, and say, instant healing ones too. Possibly even a death-then-back-to-life object (though I don't know about a conditional based on how much health you have - I think that's not implemented).

However, inventory is tough, simply because its not coded yet.

Also, bear in mind, I'm not entirely certain about what the limits are on conditionals, simply because I haven't experimented much beyond making a couple of maps. I never actually implemented them into gigas - just made the things. So yeah. Hopefully you'll find ways to get it to do what you want. Otherwise, ask Pirotic and I'm sure he'll see what he can do :)
ya, just mess with it
you could make a simple RPG, but anything in depth hasnt been put in yet
but Its always nice to start makin one and update later when posable

Personally i dont like Gigas. The reason is because the only way to create the game is on the small GP32 screen - i hope they come out with a PC editor
:P :) U should be thankful that there is even a thing such as gigas. And may I remind u that gigas is of course only a beta at the moment. :) but I do agree that the pc editor would be nice to have so nobody keeps wishing for it to come out. :lol:
:P :) U should be thankful that there is even a thing such as gigas. And may I remind u that gigas is of course only a beta at the moment. :) but I do agree that the pc editor would be nice to have so nobody keeps wishing for it to come out. :lol:

It'll have a PC editor when its done, when i initially started the project i had to decide if i should get the PC editor done first, or the built in GP32 editor.

i figured if your going on holiday, or on a train journey - it'd be much better to have the GP32 editor done first, that way you can make maps and edit stuff without having to get back to your PC.

The small screen doesn't make editing easy, its why the interface is just a small menu thingy - but once i port over the viewport engine i coded for my other project, you'll be able to zoom in and out in real-time so you can get a better view of your maps etc.

I'll happily open source the loading/saving routine to anybody who fancies coding a PC editor before me ;)
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hey ive got a few questions, uum ive got a mac but i have a memory card reader i was jus wonderin if i could say download gigas and then drag it onto the card, and also could i drag on sprites aswell ?
The sprites must be in a special format, it tells you in the readme how to change thm to that format.

Once you got everything in the right place and format, you can just copy them over like any other program.