Quake Already Ported To Gp2x (YES! It's true!)

Why would it use the hardware scaler? Didn't it run at 320 x 240 anyway? Scaling will just make it look pixely right?

Sounds cool though, with there were some pictures of it running.
Vimacs posted on Sep 25 2005 at 12:29 PM said:
But thats a Sin! You will go to Hell for it, and get Blind, and kill a Kitten and... and...

Yeah right it will make you go blind. I always had to laugh at that one. If that was true every male over the age of 13 would be blind :P
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DaveC posted on Sep 25 2005 at 07:22 PM said:
Why would it use the hardware scaler? Didn't it run at 320 x 240 anyway? Scaling will just make it look pixely right?

I was thinking of running it at 200x200, and then using the hardware scaler to zoom it upto 320x240, and smooth the pixels out, just to annoy you ;)

Nah, The only reason for the hardware scaler is just if you prefer speed over quality, you can run it at some smaller res, and scale it upto full res.
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Squidge posted on Sep 25 2005 at 06:27 PM said:
DaveC posted on Sep 25 2005 at 07:22 PM said:
Why would it use the hardware scaler?  Didn't it run at 320 x 240 anyway?  Scaling will just make it look pixely right?

I was thinking of running it at 200x200, and then using the hardware scaler to zoom it upto 320x240, and smooth the pixels out, just to annoy you ;)

Nah, The only reason for the hardware scaler is just if you prefer speed over quality, you can run it at some smaller res, and scale it upto full res.

Would the using the scaler come at the expense of something else? For example if you used the second core to do scaling could it still be used to do other things like sound or math calculations etc. If not it may be just as fast to do the maths and such on the second core instead giving both speed and quality.

I don't know though I am just talking out of my arse here. Maybe you could give thoughts on how useable the second core it and for what since you have been hacking around with it.

Also how easy would it be to port the BOR that you did to the GP2X? That was awesome and with all of that RAM now it would run pretty amazing I would think.
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I was under the impression the scaler wasn't in a core but a seperate part of the chip. The Video Postprocessor can be used to scale using the hardware..... this piece of the chip lists alot of special features.....

MP2520F’s Video Processor can support multiple standard video codec functionality including MPEG1/2/4, DivX 3.11/4.x/5.x, H.263 and JPEG standard. The Video Processor consists of multiple macro-functional H/W blocks including
VLD/VLC, DCT/IDCT, Q/IQ, ME, MP, MC, De-Block, De-Ring and SP(stream packet processor).

MP2520F’s Video Post Processor consists of multiple macro-functional H/W blocks including a video signal scaling
block and OSD, sub picture, hardware cursor, hue control, contrast, brightness, dithering, gamma, alpha blending, color
key and CSC(color space converting) blocks. Video signal scaling can provide a high precision video signal zoom-in/out
functionality to support SD-TV level video quality even during digital zoom-in or zoom-out operations. Also it enables a
high resolution CCD/CIS camera image signal to be displayed on the LCD panel, with scaling down to the LCD display
panel resolution size being done in real time. Also either the original camera image or the scaled down image can be
recoded selectively.

MP2520F can support up to four (4) screen split functionality with independent scaling, 90/180/270 degree rotation, and a
mirror effect. MP2520F can also support a letterbox and Pan/Scan conversion functionality.
MP2520F can support three (3) staged alpha blending operations and six (6) level video mixing operations using two (2)
YUV video sources, OSD, Sub Picture, RGB graphics and H/W cursor.
DaveC, the scaler is built into the hardware - I wasn't going to use the second CPU for it. I don't even have to tell it to rescale each frame (like on the Zodiac). You can just say "here's the new screen buffer" and it zooms it for you whilst updating the LCD :)

However, Quake is the result of two (small) nights work, on an old version of GCC. With more work and a more recent GCC, it will be quite usable.

Unrelated to the Quake project, I'm wondering if the scaler could be altered each scanline via the hblank to implement some kind of mode 7.
AWSOME!!!!! I wonder if they could get reesy and ryleh a unit ahead of time also, then the launch would be AMAZING. I always liked quake on my gp32 but sometimes the slowdown got pretty bad...... Great work.
Great news!

So, are you using both cpus? Is the system easy to develop for ?

Anyway, it would be great to see some pictures, or even better, a video of it running, with you playing, if it's not too much to ask for. :)
hehe it might just be.

He said it was a quick port job without sound and it's only using one processor. He might do more later after he takes care of other things.
that would still be better than the Super mario deluxe movie to hype us all.
Squidge keep up the great work. Hope to have some sort of working Quake by the time the gp2x comes out. It sounds like quite a feet to do that so fast.

Running it in lower resolutions and scalling up seems like a great way to speed it up untill it gets all optimized and people know how to use the second core. Can you do something simple like just make the second core just do sound? I know this might be a little early in the game, but got any info on the second core, besides it being the second one?

Lastly is it running on your board? I mean could you take a picture and post it? :)
I could certainly take a picture and post it, but I wouldn't have thought many people would be interested, as it looks the same as it does on the GP32 :)

However, let me get this work deadline out of the way, and I'll take some piccies and post them.
reallynotnick posted on Sep 25 2005 at 11:57 PM said:
Can you do something simple like just make the second core just do sound?
There's not really any need to do that. Sound+music hardly make any difference to the speed on quake (well, that was the case on the gp32). All the bottlenecks are in the rendering functions, so it will be interesting to see if any of those can use the second core at all.

And if you want to see it before squidge takes some photos, just download a pc version of quake and run it in a 320x240 window - all the pictures you could ever need ;).
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I'm hoping the extra ram and the speed of the CPU dramatically boots the game speed enough that anything the second processor can be used for is mostly gravy... Maybe it could handle a lot of the floating point stuff the engine seems to love. Or prerendering extra scenery or something.
Squidge posted on Sep 25 2005 at 08:11 PM said:
DaveC at the scaler is built into the hardware - I wasn't going to use the second CPU for it. I don't even have to tell it to rescale each frame (like on the Zodiac). You can just say "here's the new screen buffer" and it zooms it for you whilst updating the LCD :)

However, Quake is the result of two (small) nights work, on an old version of GCC. With more work and a more recent GCC, it will be quite usable.

Unrelated to the Quake project, I'm wondering if the scaler could be altered each scanline via the hblank to implement some kind of mode 7.

Oh ok cool then it won't use up any CPU time to make it look pixely :P :ph34r:

The scaler just scales the whole screen right? In that case it probably wouldn't work as mode 7? I guess maybe you are thinking of using some trick to do it though. It doesn't support rotating for anything other than 90 degrees I thought. You may have to make some kind of scaling and rotation engine lib and do it on the second CPU core maybe. It will be interesting to see what you come up with.
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