Quake Already Ported To Gp2x (YES! It's true!)

Digital Awakening posted on Sep 28 2005 at 08:49 PM said:
The problems with screens are usually depending on how used you are to looking at screens. However, most people have no problems with LCD screens while CRT is worse.

yeah i hate CRTs and can't use them much anymore. i think it might have something to do with the CRTs' refresh rates or something.
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Just had a thought regarding the scaler again (to dig up that bit of this thread once more). Squidge, you're saying it could, possibly, be used to generate a Mode7 type of effect? Would you be able to perform that effect at angles other than the typically used one?

Could the scaler be fiddled, for example, to deal with a texture for a given polygon for a proper 3D engine, or would that be way too much for it? Or does it only deal with things in the same direction as the screen is drawn (i.e. just like on a GP32 it is hard to do Genesis palette changes fast due to the screen being drawn horizontally in the Genesis, and vertically in the GP32)?

Bear in mind I'm a complete neophyte when it comes to almost all of this, as ever. Just a thought though... if it *were* usable in that sense, then that starts to sound like a way to use 2D acelleration for 3D tasks, though, which would be kinda cool imo :)
The only part of the scaler I've played with at the moment is the part that magnifies the output to the lcd. That is, it takes the 160x120 (or whatever) resolution graphics from your framebuffer and and enlarges it to 320x240 as it updates the lcd. The resized image is not kept anywhere in memory, so it really can't be used for anything else.

The mode 7 effect I was talking about was looking into the possibility of using the hblank interrupt to change the scaler parameters every scan line. Rotation is only supported at 90 degree increments.
In other words it'd probably only see any real use in original homebrewed games, right? From the sound of it, it seems to specific in it's function to be asked to do something to far out from it's original purpose.
That's the only part of the scaler I've played with, there are other parts of the scaler that apparently can take your image and spit out a resized image, but I think the data it needs is 2d rather than 1d. I've not looked at it much - the lcd magnify thing will be used much more in emu's and stuff, as it requires no cpu time whatsoever.
Squidge posted on Oct 7 2005 at 11:25 PM said:
That's the only part of the scaler I've played with, there are other parts of the scaler that apparently can take your image and spit out a resized image, but I think the data it needs is 2d rather than 1d. I've not looked at it much - the lcd magnify thing will be used much more in emu's and stuff, as it requires no cpu time whatsoever.

So a true "mode 7" type effect (object scaling AND rotation) will need to be done in software? If so could a separate core be used to do this while the main one runs other code or is bus contention a problem?
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As the programmer for a full-scale PC game based on the Quake engine, I'd like to commend you on your excellent work so far. We're hoping to bring Armor of Acheron 2 (That's its name) over to the GP2x as soon as possible, and look forward to when it will run with proper sound as well. Maybe some linked multiplayer over the USB or EXT ports if I am not stepping on your toes too much with such a suggestion. ;)

Good luck, I'm looking forward to great things from this project!