
However I am new to this and from reading I see I require the pak0.pak and pak1.pak files. I have done some Google action and am having problems locating these. I wouldn't normally ask but as id released the source code for this I figure it is ok to ask where I might be able to get these from.
Note that they only released the source code, that is, the actual code, under GPL. That does not include the levels, you'll still need to pay for the game if you want more than the shareware levels.
(Of course, if you choose to go about it slightly different that's your business but we can't talk about that kinda stuff here)

and Damizean, have some patience man :o not the greatest way to show your support there... (Oh I see Woogal responded already as well)
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I'm still waiting for the source code...
will you just shut up.
its not as if this is some huge company who are refusing to release the source. Its one guy who has been coding something for a community for free and has already promised to release the source. Have some fucking patience.
Damizean, I just thought you'd like to know that it's exactly guys like you that have made 100% certain I will never *ever* release anything under the GPL. I don't have anything against the license per se, but I'm pretty certain that I will have several hundred lawyer-wannabes looking through my code distribution and woe betide me if I've made the slightest mistake.

And yes, I have released GPL software in the past that others have found useful: one good example is the Floppy controller library that FreeDOS-32's floppy driver is based on.
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I think that the fact that the gp2x can run linux is going to bring in a lot of these anal GPL twats, i cannot believe the contempt some of them have for people who while porting GPL code for free in their own time do something ever so slightly wrong.

I think that the fact that the gp2x can run linux is going to bring in a lot of these anal GPL twats, i cannot believe the contempt some of them have for people who while porting GPL code for free in their own time do something ever so slightly wrong.


Sadly, I happen to understand their position most of the time. A lot of companies gladly take GPL code and never release any of their modifications, violating the GPL and often getting away with it. They're frustrated, and I understand why.

Please don't get me wrong - I'm not saying it's right for them to take this out on GP2x developers. Haggling Woogal above was rather low - if memory serves, the GPL doesn't even say that he has to offer it *for download*, merely that if requested the source can be provided by any one of several ways, including postal mail. For this reason, it's silly (and mean spirited) to haggle someone over having released the binaries a few hours before the source.

What I am saying is I understand their frustration and think it would be hasty to consider them enemies somehow. I'm sure many of them will eventually make outstanding contributions to the community.

As far as GPH is concerned... I really hope they release the sources for everything they are required to by the GPL. They have a lot of goodwill within the open source community for creating an open-source-friendly handheld, it would be a shame if they lost some of that goodwill.

Finally, I can also understand why GPH has not released their sources yet. Determining what can and needs to be open source, versus what they have licensed that the GPL does not require, takes time and effor that I highly suspect they are currently spending on getting us our units and patching up the known firmware issues.

I think everyone needs to just calm down and have a bit of patience :D

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If you can find the shareware version of Quake 1, you should be able to retrieve Pak 0 from it. As I recall, Pak 0 is the shareware version: Pak 1 is the registered content.

You can also buy the full version direct from iD as a download (though I don't know if that includes the soundtrack - probably not). It claims that it's not Mac or Linux compatible, but you should only need the pak files to use it with an appropriate source port, such as the GP2X one.
Used would be really cheap, but you have to BUY the game to get pak1.pak.

Pak0.pak is the shareware pak and can be downloaded from idsoftware.com or 3dgamers.com.

Edit: Doh! Too late.
Also, if you're too tight to pay for Quake 1, there's an open source alternative to buying the original game. I don't know if it works on the GP2X, but you might try Open Quartz, which is a game-base that runs on the Quake engine, and that is also GPL compliant for building mods on, unlike the original Quake.