Oooo, Ahhh,[game] Is Being Ported! I Don't Give A

OrR said:
This community sucks.
Why do you stay?

Geniv's post was very disrespectful towards the people that put great effort into doing things for free simply for their and others' enjoyment.

If you imply that we're not to be offended by his tone, why should he, you, or anyone else be offended by our replies?
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So you are telling us you hate something that is totally free and that people make for people like you? They don`t get money for this!

So if you complain about such stuff, you ARE a troll. And you too, OrR.
Orr you just need to chill out a bit. Its okay to take the piss once in awhile, trust me. Don't lose any sleep now....okay ;)
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I'd think that portable Duke 3D and Quake 2 is awesome and looks perfect on a small portable 320x240 screen. I've played JonoF's Duke 3D port at it's original windowed resolution of 320x220 (well something like that, I don't remember) and it looked great and smoother than ever which made me think how sweet it would be to play em on a handheld on the go.

I'd still like to see wherelse Duke 3D may be ported in the near future as I don't have any money for a GP2X. I wasn't sure of getting one before but now I'm thinking "maybe." Any chance of seeing even a slight price drop? I'm sure it's gotta happen at least once or twice but I don't know.
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I made a quick photoshop :D
*Puts up flame shield!*
Taking the piss, taking a ribbing, being knocked down a peg or two, taking a shot in the ego.
I know, I also enjoy playing Quake while walking around downtown. Carrying my tower and LCD with me get funny looks, and I sometimes have trouble with the extension cord, but I can't for the life of me imagine why anyone would want something small and convenient to carry to play on.
You should do what I do and put on your backpack/generator, to pullstart when you wanna play... refilling the gas tank is easy at any gas station. *Nod*

Personally I do think Geniv is out of line and in the wrong forum. If he owns a Gp2X, great for him, maybe he should think of selling it and buying something he'll be more happy with. I've talked to a couple of the developers, they're good people, and they don't deserve to get crap for doing something they enjoy.

If I could program or code, I'd make whatever the heck game I wanted and screw what anyone who didn't want it thought.

Artists don't create art for other people to like, they create what THEY themselves consider art. Game programming is the same, I figure.

And Orr, I don't think you should automatically come to the defence of someone who's words were specifically hostile to begin with. Look at the Topic name, he omitted the word on purpose, but the one he was thinking of was quite implied.

As for Doom, I plan to take the 2X to my parents house, show my mom Doom, and watch the horror on her face as she watches the show. *laugh*
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This is a friendly community, its just that people here will defend the people who put the effort into the gp32 / gp2x. Last year when i arrived here, i was asking some dumbass questin, thus exposing myself to a massive flaming war, and i still am Right Here but if you go about asking your question correctly you will get respect from other members, just dont offend people...much
ps. sorry if this doesnt make sense, im sehr tired!
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seriously people. I didn't mean to be disrespectful to the quakeI,II, doom,duke3D, porters.

actually I'm very eagered to buy a GP2x. after reading up alot on other altnerative portable consoles
- gba
- DS
- psp
- gizmondo
- zodiac

the gp2x seems to do what I wanted at the moment. I'm just waiting till the quirks with the unit is ironed out and all thoose cool console emulators are out and working good.

just my preference to have emus instead of playing older games but that's just MHO.

not that those games mention are bad.
Four pages of ranting replies to someone you regard as a troll?

Why! WHY I say!


My 2c, you reckon ports of old games are pointless, but emulators are cool? Why I could play those games on real consoles! yadda yadda

Four pages of ranting replies to someone you regard as a troll?

Why! WHY I say!


My 2c, you reckon ports of old games are pointless, but emulators are cool? Why I could play those games on real consoles! yadda yadda


I agree all should calm down a bit :lol:
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whoooa. I didn't expect such a outlash

or did I mean to sound like a Arse.

anyway. full respect to the authors that ports these games and good for you guys that never played the original. as I personally can't program anything better than the "hello world" program.

was thinking that it's more beneficial to focus energy on emus that can play more than one game.
Yeah well mostly the things that are ported cannot be emulated, they are ported as they are very popular.
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If you don't give a fuck about ports then don't play them, no-one's forcing you to. Is anyone else getting sick of the morons that have been appearing here just lately?

i'm happy because they unknowingly illicit witty remarks that are really hilarious.
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Maybe more moderators are needed to close topics like this before they get out of hand? Everyone, calm down.

<Off Topic>
Mr. Anderson, your Pulsar skin looks awesome. My one suggestion is that maybe you change the font. I really like the look of the icons, especially the NES controller. Nice Job. :-)
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