Pyra as a 3G Hotspot


I am a banana!
Jan 31, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
I was just thinking now that the Pyra would be nice as a 3G hotspot for other devices when needed (Considering we'll have proper wifi this time!)

Any idea how we can implement this or if this is a feature of Debian already?
Well, it's really just a WiFi hotspot and happens to source its internet from 3G instead of a cable. You just need hostapd and a bridge interface.
The only question here is wether the wifi chip in the Pyra can be set to master mode.
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#Puts on evil hat# Does it also support promiscuous mode? And if so, has the aircrack-ng suite been ported to arm?
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I don't know what that means. What feature does that allow? If you're unable to I can try it out for you and verify if that feature is or is not possible.
I don't know what that means. What feature does that allow? If you're unable to I can try it out for you and verify if that feature is or is not possible.

Sorry for bringing up such an old post. Monitor mode allows the wifi chip to receive ALL the wifi traffic in the air. Not just the traffic that is meant for it to receive. It is what allows packet sniffing to get passwords on unencrypted networks. It is what makes wifi cracking possible. If that is possible on the Pyra, that would make me very happy. To find out if it works, try and find a way to install the aircrack-ng suite on the pyra/dev board and then run airmon-ng [wifi interface]. (Probably wlan0) if it succeeds, it will create a new interface called either wlan0mon or mon0. then type airodump-ng mon0. If it finds any wifi networks around, that means the wifi chip supports monitor mode.